Chapter 8

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I walk through the apartment door with no care yelling "Panga!"

Cory jumps from his seat scared "Ah!"

Topanga looks at him before shaking her head and looking at me "What's wrong Ray?"

I walk up to her and grab her hand "Bay Window. Bay window Now!" I walk into Riley's room and see she's not there. With relief, I let go of Panga's hand slump on the window seat.

Topanga sits down next to widening her eyes for a moment before asking again "What's wrong Ray?"

"I kissed a boy on New Years."

She stares at me with a look on her face before saying"Okayyyyy. You know a lot of people do that."

"He had quote on quote feelings for me"

She gives a little smile "Is he cute?"

"I thought kissing him would make him realize- change his mind or something. It was just a peck."

Panga puts her hand on my shoulder "Ray?"

I sink into Bay Window, making my body slumped"I shouldn't have kissed him cause now everything's confused up."

She shakes her head and laughs. "You'll be fine Ray."

"He pulled me in and kissed me after."

"He likes you Ray."

I take a pillow and groan in it before dropping it back down I exasperate out "He can't. Ughhhhhh."

"Let's solve this out Ray."

I sit up and look at Topanga "I kissed Josh."

Her eyes widen a lot before she opens her mouth. No words come out and she closes her mouth. She opens in again but silence comes out.

Aggravated I slump into the window seat again. I grab another pillow and groan into it. "Make it go away Pangaaaa!!! Erase it."

She pats my head and says "I can't change the future or what happened Honey."

"Well, I'll pretend it never happened."


I hear the door open and I can just tell it's Riley and Maya even though I can't see anything

Maya questions "What's going on here?"

I groan incoherent words. Then I rise suddenly. I look at Topanga and say "It never happened. I refuse to acknowledge it." After that, I get up and walk out of the apartment.


I have been avoiding Josh these past few days but there have always been times where I don't see him constantly anyway. I felt no remorse whatsoever about what I was doing and I would keep doing it.

I was walking up to my apartment after talking to Maya. As soon as I get in the hallway I see Josh leaning on my door.

I internally smack my head and outwardly grunt. I consider going somewhere else when Josh looks up and catches my eye.

Well dang. Can I still run?

Josh slowly walks to me and stands in front of me.

Tilting my head back to look at him. With a fake smile and I say "What brings you here Gabby?"

He picks over his teeth before smiling and looking away "I can't come to see my wife. It seems to me you have been avoiding your husband."

I tilted my head to the side with my index finger on my chin "I thought I told you I wanted a divorce when you forgot who I was." I shrug my shoulders and continue "Think of this as our separation."

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