part 2

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"hi Kacchan did you miss me."

He punched Bakugo in the stomach, causing him to fall off balance.
"I know I missed you"
he kicked Bakugo, forcing him to the ground. He put his foot on his chest to keep him on the ground.
"I missed you everyday you didn't try to find me" he added more pressure to his chest "and I missed you everyday you left me there" he leaned down and lifted Bakugo's head with his hand.

"But know, I've found you"

Izuku fell limply to the ground revealing to Bakugo that Kirishima punched his attacker in the head.

"Come on Bakugo we need to go"

Bakugo picked up the limp body of his old friend.
"I'm not going to leave him again" Kirishima silently nodded, not knowing how his friend knew the villain but not questioning it.
Bakugo carried Izuku's limp body on his back like he was a sac of potatoes.

The three came out of the building area only to see a large black figure mercilessly beating Eraserhead.
The hulking figure only stopped when a loud explosion erupted from the main entrance.

"Do not fear students, for I AM HERE!".  It was All might and a few other heros.

Shigaraki turned to look at the door "Finally! The final boss is here"
He took the hand off of his face so he could properly see. "Nomu" the creature turned to him. "Kill him"

All might and the nomu were fighting in the center of the building while two students carried Eraserhead to safety. All might seemed to be winning the fight untill Kurogiri started warping him into ground, giving the nomu the upper hand.

Bakugo handed Izuku over to Kirishima "hold this" he ran to the fight and tackled Kurogiri to the ground, he was pinning down the only solid part of his body.
"Thank you young Bakugo"
All might said as he flipped over the nomu.

The battle between the two finally stopped when All might used a final 'detrot smash' and sent the nomu flying. The sound of the creature smashing through the ceiling startled Bakugo and he unconsciously loosened his grip, giving Kurogiri enough time to warp himself away.

He warped himself to the side of Shigaraki and created a large enough gate for them to get away.
"Should we retrieve Izuku?" Kurogiri questioned.
"Leave him he's just a useless nomu!" Shigaraki angerly replyed. Just before leaving, one of the hero's shot Shigaraki in the leg, causing him to stumble and fall into Kurogiri.

The whole mess was over almost as soon as it was started. The police came to arrest the rest of the villains, an ambulance came to take care of those who were injured.
The only thing left was, what to do with Izuku, he was too young to go to jail and they couldn't let him go back to the villains.
They administered a tranquilizer to Izuku to prevent him from waking up and escaping.

After a long discussion they decided the best course of action was to keep him contained at UA in a sealed off room. If he were to escape, there were many powerful hero's that could overpower him, and if they were lucky he might choose to abandon his life as a villain.

Izuku woke up in a hospital bed in an empty room. His wrists were cuffed together in quirk canceling handcuffs. There was nothing in his surroundings other than a locked cabinet and a chair.

To Izuku the lack of furniture in the room was incredibly creepy and the bright fluorescent lights combined with the tranquilizer still in his system gave him a splitting headache.

After a few minutes of pure boredom a comiclly short old woman opened the door and walked into the room.

"Oh your finally awake" she said as she avoided Izuku as if he were a feral animal while she went to the cabinet, she unlocked it and took out a thermometer. "Don't mind me, I'm just going to take your temperature"

Izuku knew not to speak with doctors unless they asked a question so he didn't respond.

She cautiously walked closer to Izuku and put the thermometer on his forehead.
" Hmm you have a slight fever. I am going to get you some water."

The old woman left the room, and Izuku was alone.

A few minutes passed and the old woman returned with a water bottle in her hands. She handed the bottle to Izuku who had to awkwardly hold it with two hands due to the handcuffs.

He carefully inspected the water to make sure it wasn't tampered with before drinking the entire thing in a few seconds.

He silently glared at the old woman taking notes, Izuku didn't know what her intentions were, but since he was recently captured, they probably weren't good. The old woman stood up. "I can tell you don't want me here so I'm going to leave and check up on you tomorrow"
She walked to the door and opened it "oh. And your friend is going to be bringing you something to eat soon" she left the room and closed the door.

Izuku wondered who his 'friend' was it couldn't be Kacchan, he just attacked him, it couldn't be any of the villains, if the hero's found them they would be arrested. Maybe it was his mom. She probably didn't even know he was alive until now.

Izuku spent the next hour wondering who was going to come and see him.

Then three knocks came at the door. A familiar voice asked "can I come in?" Izuku took a shaky breath and replyed  "yes"

Bakugo opened the door and came inside holding a tray of food.

"Hi Kacchan, I assume your here for payback" Izuku said, fully expected a punch in the face.
"No I just want to talk" Bakugo pulled the chair to the bed so he could sit beside him.

Bakugo finally got a chance to examine his friends face.
Surgical scars littered his face.
There were small circular scars on his neck and arms where needles would have been poked through his skin.

Bakugo gently lifted Izukus face so he could get a better look at the scars, he had his thumb on his cheek, Izukus heart skipped a nervous beat as Bakugo looked him dead in the eyes. His voice was quite and tense, his anger barely restrained.

"Who did this to you?"

Who did this to you (nomu deku)Where stories live. Discover now