part 5

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The door opened and a figure wearing all black clothing with a light grey scarf walked in. It was the pro hero Eraserhead.
Izuku silently fanboyed at seeing the pro hero.

"You're coming with me. The school already supplied you with everything you need, all the items are at my house."
He motioned for Izuku to follow him out of the room.
"So you're my assigned guardian?"
"Yes, you can call me Aizawa"

Izuku thought about how it made sense that he would be assigned to Eraserhead as he could cancel out anyone's quirk.

As they walked through the hallways Izuku looked through all the open doors. They were mostly empty but there were a few with students or teachers still working. In one classroom he saw Kirishima along with an unknown blond boy. They were intensely studying while a teacher sat at her desk writing something. Izuku waved at the two but they didn't notice.

The left the building and went to Aizawa's car, he got an odd looking bracelet from the back and attached it to Izukus wrist.
"What is this thing?." Izuku questioned at the strange piece of jewelry
"This is a quirk nullifying bracelet. It's to make sure you don't escape. The school had it specialty made for you."
Izuku simply nodded, remembering that in everyone's eyes he's still a villain.

The entirety of the drive was silent. And Izuku could tell that Aizawa didn't like him.
When they finally got to Aizawa's house they walked in and he gave Izuku a tour of the moderately sized house.
They got to a room with a simple bed, empty closets, one window that was just small enough so he couldn't escape and a few full bags. "This will be your room, I'll leave you to get settled, food will be ready in about half an hour."

When he left the room Izuku went to the bags and opened them, there where some clothes, some toiletries, a few books and other nesesary things.
He sat on the bed, waiting for Aizawa to come get him. He already seemed mad, Izuku didn't want to bother him.
As he waited he noticed a door on the side of the room, he sat up to investigate. He opened the door and saw that it was a small bathroom.

Twenty minutes passed and Izuku heard a knock at the door. "Food is ready." He heard Aizawa say from the other side of the door.
He meekly walked into the small dining room where two bowls of instant ramen sat on the table.
He gingerly sat down and started eating. He avoided Aizawa's gaze as if he were a wild animal.

After a few minutes, the wall clock chimed, informing the two that it was ten pm.
Izuku quickly finished the ramen and stood up. "I'm going to go to bed"
Aizawa stood up as well. "Good, you have to be up early tomorrow for school." Izuku left the dining room and went to his small bedroom.

When he entered the room, he heard a small click from the door. It was locked. Aizawa spoke from the other side of the door."I'm going on patrol. Just so you know the bracelet also works as a shock collar that will activate if you leave the premises without me."
He heard the front door open then promptly close.

Izuku sat on the bed and read for an hour before he went to sleep where he tossed and turned all night long.

Izuku sat alone in an empty room. It's cold stone walls were incredibly familiar. He wore a plain hospital gown, his feet were bare and covered in dirt.

The rooms door opened revealing three faceless men all wearing lab coats. Fear sunk into his body as he stood up and followed them. His whole body trembled with every step.
He heard screaming and yelling from behind every door he passed. The words that were spoken never quite reached his ears.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, Izuku and the men reach a door at the end of the hall. Izuku feels a set of eyes watching him as he steps closer to the door.
It swings open and he is pushed inside.

The room is pitch black and completely silent. He could feel the gaze of hundreds of people watching him. He sinks to the floor and cradles his head in his hands, his nails sink into his scalp as the room fills with whispers, each word echos and becomes louder with every second that passes.

Then the deafening sound is silenced by a knock then he could hear the sound of an opening door.

Izuku jolted awake at the sound of Aizawa opening the door.
"Get dressed were leaving in twenty minutes" he exited the room, leaving Izuku to recover from his intense nightmare. "It was just a dream. I'm not back there anymore" he whispered to himself.

Izuku got out of bed and put on his school uniform. He looked at himself in the mirror and started giggling "I look like a real student now"
Izuku left the room and went to the dining room where he saw some toast and juice that was left for him.
He quickly ate it then went to look for Aizawa who was waiting by the door.

The two of them left the house and went to the UA building.
They arrived at the 1,A classroom five minutes before class started.
"Listen, I'm going to go in and make the announcement that you're here. When you hear me tell you to come inside you are going to come in and introduce yourself okay."
Aizawa entered the classroom and closed the door.

A few minutes passed and Izuku heard Aizawa say "Come in and introduce yourself."

He opened the door and took a step inside.

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