part 4

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Izuku jolted from his chair when he heard three knocks at the door.

"Hey it's me and Kirishima. We're coming in."

The door opened and they walked in.
"Hey we- WHOAH that's a cool bird!"

Kirishima made a beeline to the puzzle, his eyes were practically sparkling.
"Thanks. I didn't like the original picture so I did my own."

"Anyways." Bakugo interjected
"We came here to tell you that one of the teachers is going to come talk to you about something."

"Oh which teacher?"

"Don't know. They didn't say." He started walking to the door. "Come on shitty hair we gotta get to our next class."
Kirishima waved goodbye as they left the room.

Izuku picked up one of the books and read as he waited for whichever teacher to come and talk to him.

He read for about an hour untill he heard the door open.

A tall figure with messy blond hair walked in.

"I'm sure your friends told you I would be coming here." 

"Yeah they did. But they didn't say why" Izuku put down the book he was reading.

"Well I'm here to tell you about a new program UA is trying. It's for reforming young villains like yourself. You will have an assigned guardian, who you will live with, you will also be attending regular classes along with the rest of the hero course students."

The tall man set a small stack of papers on the desk.
"Those should answer any questions you have about the program" 
He flipped over the title page.
"You'll have to fill out personal information, like your name, quirk and date of birth. Do you have any questions for me before I leave?"

Izuku thought for a moment before speaking. " Why are you hero's being so nice to me? I've done nothing to deserve this kindness"
Tears started to form in his eyes as he asked the man.

The man grabbed Izukus shoulder and pulled him into a hug.
"Because we know you never chose to be a villain. And this is our time to redeem ourselves for not helping you when you were younger."

Izuku had tears flowing down his cheeks, the man took a handkerchief out of his pocket and gave it to him.

"I'll be leaving now. Your guardian should be picking you up tomorrow afternoon"

The man left the room, and Izuku sat there, wondering who his guardian would be.

He started filling out the paperwork the man gave him.

For the quirk part of it he had to make the work quirk plural as he had four.

Recovery girl came in, gave him lunch and took the small stack of papers without saying a word to Izuku who was intensely reading a book, he had hardly noticed that she was even in the room.
She gave a smile at the strange boy and left the room.

Izuku spent the next four and a half hours reading the book.
This was the first time he was able to read a book purely for enjoyment.
All the other books the league of villains had were about battle strategies, hero analysis or other hero related things.

When he finally put the book down to stretch he noticed that it was dark out, he quickly scarfed down the (now cold but still good) meal.
He got into his small bed and quickly fell asleep.

The next day he awoke to the bell ringing again. He panicked for a second before remembering what that meant.
There was a plate of toast with jam and butter on the side, an apple and a glass of juice.
"Recovery girl must have come early."

He sat at the desk and smiled fondly at the book he had read the previous day. He chuckled softly when he remembered how fast he had read the book.
He moved the chair so he could watch the hero students walk into the building.

"I wonder what class I'll be in?"
He saw Bakugo and his small group of friends enter the building.

"Maybe I'll be in Kacchans class"
He smiled softly to himself, in most of  his life, he thought he could only be a villain. But here he was, with a free pass into the most prestigious hero school and all it took was being forgotten by his abusers.

Of course he would miss Kurogiri.
He was the only one who was actually nice to him. He was also the only father figure he had growing up. He was even caught calling him 'dad' on occasion.

A knock at the door interrupted his mumbling. "Hey it's me"
Bakugo opened the door and walked in.

"Kirishima isn't here today?"
Izuku questioned at the absence of the red head.
"Nah he had to finish a assignment." He sat down on the bed and Izuku turned his chair so they could face eachother.

"So I heard you're going to be joining our class tomorrow."
Izuku smiled to himself.
"Yeah apparently the school is doing a 'villain rehabilitation ' thing, and they're using me as the guinea pig"

The two sat in silence for a couple moments before Bakugo stood up. "We'll see you tomorrow in class."
He opened the door. "By the way, I'm going to be teaching you the ropes of the social part of not being a villain"

"Okay, thank you for that"
"no problem"
Bakugo left the room and closed the door.

A few minutes passed and he heard the bell for first period ring.

"Tomorrow I'm going to class"
He had a big smile on his face.
He grabbed one of the books and started reading.

He read until the school day was over, and he heard a knock at the door.

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