part 3

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"who did this to you?"

"Why do you even care. It's not like you even looked for me"
Bakugos tense face contorted to anger.
"OF COURSE WE FUCKING LOOKED FOR YOU!" He pulled out his phone and clicked on an article he saved, he handed it to Izuku.
"Here's the proof."

Tears started streaming down his eyes as he read the article.

"I guess I should have known they would lie to me."

He handed the phone back to Bakugo. And wiped the tears from his face.his eyes were red and puffy.

"Can you please leave. I need to process things"
Bakugo stood up out of his chair and walked to the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow if you want to talk."
With that, he left Izuku alone.

Izuku sat in the room with nothing to do other than think and eat.

He wondered what would have happened to him if All for one didn't take him as a child.
Would he have been able to be a hero like he dreamed? Or would he just get a boring job because he was quirkless?

After hours of thinking, and eating food that tasted better than anything the villains gave him.

He saw the sky begin to darken from the window. He was too far from the light switch to turn it off so he threw the fork at the light switch.
It bounced off and the lights switched off. When the sky outside the window was dark enough Izuku fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next day he awoke to a loud alarm bell ringing. He started to panic because he had no idea what the hell that meant. The ringing only lasted a few seconds.

In his panic he accidentally rolled out of the bed. When he got up he realized. ' I wasn't tied down. I could have left any time I wanted' 
He mentally face palmed that he didn't realize it sooner.
His legs were sore from being in bed for nearly two days straight.

He walked to the window and looked down to see students walking into the building.
"I guess that bell was for the start of school".He said to himself.
He saw Bakugo talking with a redhead with spiky hair and a blond.

"Those must be Kacchans friends"
Izuku watched the rest of the students walk into the school.

A few minutes later he heard a knock at the door.
"Hey it's me. Can I come in?" Bakugos disembodied voice said from behind the door.
"Yeah you can come in" Izuku replyed

Bakugo, and the spiky redhead walked in the room.
"This is my friend Kirishima. He wanted to meet you"

Kirishima held out his hand for a handshake.
"Hi nice you meet you"
Izuku cautiously shook the red heads hand.
"Sorry for pushing you out of a building" Izuku averted his eyes from the boy.
Kirishima had a big smile on his face. "Don't worry about it, the room we were in was ground level anyway"

Bakugo awkwardly stood at the side while his puppy dog of a friend talked to Izuku.

While the two were talking. The school bell rang again.
Bakugo grabbed his friend.
"Come on dumbass class is about to start we don't want to be late"

Bakugo and Kirishima walked out of the room. "Bye. We'll see you after lunch" the door closed and Izuku was left alone again.

Izuku walked in circles around the room. He was incredibly bored.
After a few minutes of pure boredom the old woman walked into the room. She had a tray of food and a water bottle in her hands.
"I see your up and walking" she said as she put the tray on the desk.

Izuku stared at the bowl in the tray. It had a goopy pale mush in it.
"What's in that bowl?"
The old woman looked to see what he was pointing at. "Oh that's oatmeal. It's great for breakfast, there's some brown sugar and cream to add to it. She gestured to a small bowl of brown sugar and a small pitcher of cream next to an apple and some miscellaneous vegetables.

She walked to the door and opened it." Is there anything else you need?"
Izuku thought for a moment before saying. "Anything entertaining. This room gets pretty boring." She smiled at him." Then I'll get you something. Oh and you can call me recovery girl" she left the room leaving Izuku alone with his food.

He sniffed the oatmeal,still not completely trusting the mystery substance. His stomach growled, telling him how hungry he really was.

He put some brown sugar and cream in the oatmeal and took a bite.
His face instantly lit up. It was heavenly. He added more cream and sugar.

He ate the entire bowl in less than a minute. Izuku sat back in the chair. He had a big smile on his face and for the first time in a long while, he was content.

Recovery girl walked into the room with a small stack of books and a thousand piece puzzle. She put the stack on the desk and looked at Izuku who still had a smile on his face.
"I'll be downstairs if you need anything else."
She left the room and locked the door.

He took out the puzzle box and dumped the contents on the desk.
He spent the next two hours working on it, he occasionally took a bite out of the apple.
He arranged the pieces to make a bird. It wasn't anything close to the picture on the box, and he didn't use some of the puzzle pieces.

But it was his own creation and Izuku was proud of it.

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