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Sam Osman had always been an ambitious and very driven girl since she was still a little girl playing with her dolls in the garden. When she turned 14 she started to plan out her dreams and goals in life. On school holidays she would work as a dishwasher in one of Cape Town's top-rated restaurants, so she could pay for her computer coding courses she took online. Yet life throws us with all sorts of curveballs. Sam's mother were diagnosed with stage 4, breast cancer and lost her fight against cancer five months after she found out. Now she's left to look after her 10-year-old twin brothers and her father that is so broken over the loss of his wife.

It's June here in Cape Town and a very icy cold winter and one morning after she saw her brothers off at school as they took the bus with their classmates and teachers to visit one of the museums for their school that day. She finally got to school herself. It was about fifty minutes into her new school day in 8th grade when she was called to the school office and given the extra sad news. The bus that took her brothers to the museum that morning got involved in a head-on collision with a truck whose brakes has failed and hit their bus and both her twin brothers were killed in the accident along with two teachers and seven other children. It's only been three weeks after her mother's passing and now this.

This broke her father and herself even more. After her kid brother's funerals, her father and she threw themselves into their work, school studies, and her computer coding courses. Sam graduate at 15 with a degree in computer coding while still in high school and started to make her dreams a reality. She built a website where you drive online traffic to. To buy anything you're looking for straight from the manufacturers.

Once the site works perfectly she went to her father Jeffery Osman. Jeffery is the CEO of ComTel corp. ComTel is a massive communications company that works with various governments around the world on certain products. Sam presented her website to her father one night after dinner and he loves the concept she came up with. He suggests they fly out to China together over the June, July school holidays to go speak to the manufacturer mecca of the world.

They got to China her father got his hands on about fifty-odd major manufactures and with her help presented her concept to them all and they got on board and within three weeks she got her website life. She decided to call her website "ChiMall.com". Her father also believed in her and helped to give her the ten million South African Rands as start-up capital for her business. The website went viral over the next two months. While her website started to grow and her demand to have way bigger servers to help run the site she had to think of expanding. So after her school year ended on December 4th, she and her father flew back out to China, and with the business who grew forty times larger than she ever could have dreamed she had enough capital now to buy the first offices in China. The third week of December they moved in and with one massive floor just for the server boxes they just kept growing. The manufacturers are starting to call them now.

So while her 15-year-old friends are off enjoying themselves with their families at the beach she's working to make more money and to expand her business. January tenth Jeffery and Sam landed back in South Africa. The new school year starts on the thirteenth of January and it's so hot in Cape Town compared to the snow and cold of China. She dragged her tired father to the mall to get her new high school uniform. They were walking past her old place of work when the owner stopped her to find out if she would like to waiter for him five nights a week. She looked at her father and he at her. 'It's up to you if you want to do this.' He spoke. 'Mr. Venter, I accept your offer. When do you need me to start?' She asked him?

'Will tomorrow after school be okay with you?'

'Perfect.' She smiled. They shook hands and walked off. Her father so proud of her gave her a big hug. 'What was that for daddy?'

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