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"Happy birthday to you..." Everyone sang on my eighteenth birthday today on the seventeenth of January. Yes, it's today and yes I just got back from China.

'Happy Birthday honey, may you just have the best year ever.'

'Thank you, daddy. Thank you for the lovely car.' I whispered in his ear.

'You're welcome, sweetheart. Look I know you could have bought your own car fifty times over but I wanted to do it for you.' He brought tears to my eyes. Love him so much.

'I love you daddy. Now I know I don't say it enough but I really deeply do love you.'

'I love you too sweetheart.' He kissed the side of my face. Our family's here along with some of my school friends. Yes, my best friend Meisie is here too along with my other two besties Jesse and Gloria. No, their parents are not rich or even wealthy but they are my only best friends and I have thought of them a great deal since we four became friends in the 6th grade.

I thought them about setting goals, how to work with money and how to have a different mindset. The three basics you have to have and since then they took my advice to heart and they all started to read all the self-improvement books I read all the time. They are all now focused on what they want to achieve after school and how they want to achieve them. (No they don't know of my massive online business and it will stay that way.)

Good at least something good I could teach the three of them. Now if they can keep it up for the rest of their lives that is the real question here. We celebrated my birthday and the year progressed quite fast. I pushed my teachers in June to let me write my finals in August already. Yes, my workload increases fivefold but I didn't care. They got permission from the department of education to let me write my double sessions of exams in August. By Monday the 31st of August I wrote my last two exams of my high school career. Jesse and Meisie and Gloria also wanted to do it with me but the school said flat out no. I send in my university applications to the University of Cape Town, University of Witwatersrand(WITS), and Oxford in London. It's September the tenth, two thousand and fourteen, I flew out to China again on my very own, aunt Jessica found a new job and a brand new boyfriend earlier in the year.

I land in China and got my things in my flat. I got a uber to drive me to my ChiMall offices and got busy. We are starting to buy out smaller companies and incorporate them into the ChiMall group. We already did it seven times already in the past eight months. By October the thirtieth, two thousand and fourteen, my ChiMall Group business is so huge that we could finally take our twenty-three billion dollars company to the Chinese stock exchange. At the end of November, two thousand and fourteen I took ChiMall to the New York Stock exchange and where I'm the youngest billionaire to ever rang the stock exchange bell. Yes, of course daddy was there with me when I rang the bell. He looked so proud of me, he and I could burst. That was only a moment now we have to come back down to earth and get back to work.

December fourth, we're back in China working. The universities I applied to two of them rejected my application but Oxford university accepted my application. It's a two-year online business degree I'm doing. So I can work in China and study online. December rolled onward and my old school friends flew out to China to visit me. I took them around town and they all love it. In the evenings we all cook together and sit and eat and talk together with no phones in our hands or even a TV on in the room. They all go off to bed and I start studying for three hours.

On the twentieth of December, we all flew back to South Africa for Christmas. I got home and dad is so sick. I called a few specialists to have a look at him. He is just so weak. He finally sold the telecommunication company for seven hundred and fifty-five million South African Rands. That's a lot of money. Half of that he already gave to me as a gift. The rest of his wealth he invested in different companies on the stock market so that I get the accumulated interest every five years for the rest of my life. With daddy so sick we took him to see almost a hundred different doctors and only one doctor finally pin it down to pancreatic cancer. I paid cash for all dad's treatments he will need. But since it is already in an aggressive stage there isn't really much they could do for him but to make him comfortable with pain medication.

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