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I've been in Paris for a week and a half. I took the train to Germany. I have found a fully furnished flat to rent for the time I'll be living and working in Germany. The train ride through the usually unseen countryside is so breathtaking. All the colors of spring going to summer is so beautiful to see.

I spent three nights on the train to get to Frankfurt, Germany. Getting off the train and the station is so busy. I got my luggage together and got a taxi to the new address I'll be living in for the next few months. I knock on my landlord's door and he gave me the keys and showed me around quickly. He left and I got settled in. I made sure the flat is fitted with internet access. I had to run to the stores for some groceries and bedding. I got my workspace all set up after I got back from the shops and caught up on my work. I worked way into the night. Midnight I finally turned everything off and go take a nice shower and climb into bed.

As the sun peeked out over the horizon of a brand new day, I was up and out the door running the streets of a still sleeping Frankfurt. I passed a couple of restaurants and saw waitress positions open and I took a photo of the seven restaurants that's looking for waiters. I'll wait till nine AM, then make the calls to all these restaurants. I jumped into a shower and got ready for the day. I sat down and started to work with a cup of coffee.  My phone started to ring off the hook. I made time to call for these jobs at different restaurants. Three of the seven told me to come in. My first appointment is at eleven this morning. I got ready and left for my appointment.

They put me through the mill and I coped so well that they hired me on the spot. I let my other two appointments know that I found a job. My first shift starts immediately. I got busy and within twenty minutes, I am on a roll. By six PM, the next shift starts and I made over two hundred euros in tips. I walked home after a hard day of being on my feet the whole time. I walked in and lock up. I lay down on my couch and fell asleep. Ten to eleven I woke up and go off to take a shower. It feels so nice to be clean again. I climb into bed and fell asleep again.

Nine-thirty AM I am back at the restaurant working getting my station ready for the day. Then the head waiter said one of our regulars just walked in and sat down in my section and told me what he usually orders first so I got him a latté with foam. So I got it for the nice middle-aged gray-haired gentleman. He must have been a real looker when he was way younger.

'You're new Miss.' He spoke to me when I lay his latté on the table.

'Yes, sir I am it is my second day here. I am a working and studying traveler.'

'Wow. What are you studying Miss?'

'I am Sam Osman sir.'

'I am Arnold Lund. It is wonderful to meet you, Sam.'

'Likewise Mr. Lund. I am studying for my degree in business studies, sir.'

'Goodness. That must be quite the workload.'

'Yes sir it is but I manage my time really well and I am goal-driven.'

'That is so great. Not a lot of people are these days.'

'My father thought me to be. May he rest in peace.'

'Sorry for your loss.'

'Thank you, sir.' I smiled at the really nice man. 'What would you like with your latté sir?' I asked him.

'I would like the coffee house breakfast please.' He let me know.

'How would you like your eggs to be done, sir.'

'It's always poached eggs please with rye toast on the side.' He told me.

'Wonderful, I get on that for you sir.' I smiled then turned to place his order in the system. I got busy with my other tables and once Arnold's food we're ready I carried it out. I saw him busy on his iPad. I got busy again and later just hand out the first wave of bills. I hand Arnold's change back and he said he never had serviced the way I gave him today. I took it as a massive compliment.

It's been week five and I've been serving Arnold every day since none of the other waiters want to serve him. It was one Friday afternoon when Arnold came in with a friend and sat in my section.

'Sam great your still here. Can you spare ten minutes quickly?'

'Sure let me just tell my manager I'll be on a quick break.' I got back and sat at their table.

'How can I help you, fine folks, today?' I asked them.

'We would like to show you an amazing business opportunity.'

'Wonderful let's hear it.' They started to show me this amazing network marketing opportunity that can revolutionize the online markets forever. They showed it to me twice in ten minutes and I caught it. There are five different packages you can buy into and I love what I am seeing.

'So what do you think of the concept?' Arnold asked me.

'This is a amazing opportunity and I know when someone shows you an outstanding opportunity to grab it with both hands and learn how to do it later. So... I am in.'

'Wonderful on which package would you like to come in on?' Arnold's friend Frank asked me who did the business presentation.

'Well... I am all in so I guess that would be the highest package.

'That is four thousand euros sweetheart.' They look surprised and way confused.

'Yes, I know sir. How do we get started here?' I asked and they got me signed me up then and there. I chose the highest package and pay over the money via electronic transfer.

'Welcome to the networking family Miss Osman.'

'Thank you, sirs. Can I get you any thing to drink while you're here?'

'Passionfruit and lemonade, please. They both said together.'

'Coming right up.' I smiled and got their drinks. They clearly started talking about me and how easy it was to sign me up. I lay their drinks on their table and got busy with my other tables again. Six PM, I cash up and got home from a long day and sat down to google the network marketing company I just joined earlier today and with all the information I got I can really help this company along and... and help a ton of people out of their current financial situations they're all in. I watched the business presentation about ten times to get the just of it. I have to fly out to Sweden to go get the proper training to run with this hobby side business.

But in the meantime, I tune in on the Zoom presentation and get all the latest news and information. I called aunt Jessica back home and got her, her new fiance, and all four her grown kids signed up. Where they couldn't afford it I offered to help them out. In the company, they have like a fourteen-day timer that runs as they pay you a bonus for bringing as many people on board as you can and they pay you a maximum of three thousand euros. By the time my fourteen days expired I signed up thirty people. I got my one bonus paid out plus some extra as my family back in South Africa started to each run with this business opportunity and got people on board as well. This opportunity work in a binary system where you basically have a left and right team and the best way to build your business inside a business is to balance out the people in your left and right teams as best you can. In that lays the secret.

I got the owner of the grocery store where I buy my milk from every other day also signed up. I can't believe how much money I've made with this business so far. It is quite astonishing. I got home and made dinner. I got to my other work for ChiMall and my studies as my phone went crazy as my side business is making me a ton of money while I am studying. How cool is that?

~~~~ oOo ~~~~

After four months of working and living in Germany, I finally feel like it's time to move on. So I took a flight out to Istanbul where I really want to be. From all the pictures I've seen of this stunning country. Grandpa used to tell me about the farm he grew up on just outside of Istanbul. They used to be olive farmers. I'm at the airport waiting in the lounge, I got ten people signed up before our flight. On our flight to Istanbul, Turkey I signed up the two people on either side of me. We exchanged details and parted ways once we have landed a few hours later.

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