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We're standing outside one of Jan's friend's home and watch as the New Year's fireworks go off over the city and it really is so beautiful. Jan hugged me to him and looked deep into my eyes. 

'Happy New Year, angel.'

'Happy New Year, sexy.' I smiled up at him as I wrap my arms around his neck. He gave me a wonderful first kiss of the new year. One-twenty-two AM, we left driving to Jan's home for the evening, because it was closer. We got home and started to make out in the front door as the rain started to pour down in buckets. We kicked off our shoes in the foyer and stumble all the way to his room while we kissed and got out of our semi-wet clothes.

We reached his room and we engage in some serious acts straight out of what must come from the Kama Sutra books. It was fantastic. We crawl under the nice warm covers and fall asleep. We slept till late into the new day. It's a cold wet day. We had some breakfast and lay around in bed watching an old black and white movie. I later fell asleep again. Jan lay and watch me sleep. He placed a strand of my hair that fell over my face behind my ear. 

'So-so beautiful...' He whispered watching me sleep.

Later I woke and watched a sleeping Jan. My special man. I softly kissed his forehead then walked off to the bathroom. I walked into his shower and started to wash my hair and other parts of me that aches a bit from overuse of last night. After my nice hot shower, I felt so much better and I pulled on one of Jan's long-sleeve t-shirt's and socks and walked off. I walked off to go make us some breakfast. He only has a few things in his fridge and not much in the breakfast variety. So I decided to make pancakes instead with the ingredients I do have to work with. I was busy with my fourth or fifth pancake when my phone rang loudly in my handbag. I answered it holding it with my shoulder to my ear while I flip my masterful pancake. It's Kim Wang, my vice-president at ChiMall headquarters. There are a few things we need to address tomorrow for the skype meeting and we are talking about a few points we want to add to the meeting agenda. 

I was still on the phone with Kim when Jan came walking out of his room still looking really sleepy and came and sat at the kitchen counter watching me cook. He looked at me and it made me smile at him. I got his cinnamon sugar pancakes on a plate for him while I was still talking and hand him a fork to eat his pancakes with. A few minutes later I hung up and cooked the last few pancakes. 

'Damn it... Sam Osman is there anything you can't do?' He spoke through a bite of pancake. 'You're a billionaire, you are a student, a waiter, a traveler, you're a visionary to change the average man's lives for the better, you cook and you can bake. What are your other hidden talents that I don't know about?' He asked me, basically licking out his plate with his index finger. 

'Well, I can tell you Mr. Yaman but it's more fun letting you witness it. A good magician never reveals all their tricks upfront, you know.' 

'Awe... I was really hoping you were going to tell me.' He pulled a playful lip on me. It made me chuckle and he pulled me closer as I turn off the stove. 'You keep being you and I will just have to eat my popeye spinach to keep up with you Miss Osman.'

'Good, because I am on a roll and I would like to have you on this journey with me.' He walked over to me and took me in his arms.

'Really? Is that so?' He asked and kissed the tip of my nose.

'Yes, sir.' I smiled up at him as I wrap my arms around his waist.

'Well, I am so there to be your support.'

'Thank you for that. Dad used to be my support net and now with him gone I don't really have anyone at the moment. I can't believe it's been a year ago that we buried daddy.' I spoke and started to feel the lump in the back of my throat.

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