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We land in Istanbul and go through customs and airport security. I got my luggage and head out. I was walking past this guy when he talked so animatedly on his phone, he swiftly turned just as I passed him and he knocked me rather hard and fast to the floor of the airport. I hit my head really hard that I saw a flash of blinding light from the hit on the floor.

'Oh, my ghod...!' The man kneeled down to tend to me. 'I am so sorry, please forgive me, miss.' He rambles on in Turkish.

'All forgive sir. It was a massive accident.' I countered in my best Turkish. He finally got my hair out of my face and I could finally see who I am talking to. 'Jan?' I said so surprised.

'Sam?' Jan said equally surprised.

'Yes.' I replied as he helped me up from the floor.

'It is so great to see you.' He smiled and then his face fell and pulled the bandana from around his neck and pressed it to the side of my badly bleeding head. 'Come we need to get you to a hospital.' He gathers my luggage and stuffed me and my bags in his car that is parked just outside the entrance. He raced off with me to the hospital. I am starting to feel really dizzy and my vision is all blurry. We got to the hospital and Jan told them what happened and the nice cute doctor got to work. They gave me five stitches and they took me for some x-rays of my head and neck. I have really bad whiplash. While we were still in the ER I got sick and used the bucket the nurse held for me. Because of that they admit me into the hospital and keep me overnight to keep an eye on me. Jan stayed with me the whole night. He even canceled all his plans to stay with me.

They gave me a whole shopping list of medication and all of them in one syringe they squirt it into my IV line and it knocks me out. I slept like a rock till morning. I woke up with a headache that can bring an elephant to its knees. Jan was sleeping in an armchair with his head resting against the wall of my room. He really is stunning, with his shoulder-length hair and a slight beard. I was still looking at him when my nurse came walking in and I asked her for some serious pain meds for my pounding head. She walked off and came back five minutes later with some painkiller I drank with some water. I quickly gone to the bathroom took a brief shower then climb back into bed. I slightly felt better than yesterday. My phone was in the drawer of my nightstand and I saw the time it's five-twenty AM.

I lay back down and with my headache slowly subsiding I fell back asleep. A kiss on the side of my head woke me and saw Jan walking to my ensuite bathroom. My doctor came walking in and I slowly sat up.
'Miss Osman, good morning. How are you feeling this morning?'

'Only a little better. I woke up with a massive headache earlier. The nice nurse gave me something for it.' I let him know.

'Good. Well, I don't see why you can't go home today.'

'That will be wonderful.'

'I'll get the nurse to get your discharge papers in order for you. Remember the moment you feel worse where your vision is blurry and your headache persists you come straight back here so we can have another look at you.'

'Yes, doctor. Thank you for everything you've done for me.'

'You're welcome, ma'am.' He smiled then left my room as Jan came walking out of the bathroom.

'Good morning Mr. Yaman.'

'Good morning Sam how are you feeling today?'

'A little better than yesterday.'

'That is great news.'

'Why are you still here Jan? I am sure you have lots of stuff to do than to look after me.'

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