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"It is better to feel pain, than nothing at all."
         — The Lumineers 


Jamal knocked twice before stepping into the room.
Thankfully, the Prince seemed to have recovered from the painful bout of stomach ache that had assailed him the night before, but he still had the look of frozen anger on his face.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, reading a book and he didn't even look up as the door opened.

"I found her," Jamal said slowly and watched as Murewa's gaze flickered to the door before turning on him.

"Where is she?"

"She is in the cell. With three others."

"Who put her there?"

"I did."

Murewa's eyes narrowed.
"Why? You couldn't keep an eye on her last night, but now you throw her in the cell?"

"She was out past midnight." Jamal was getting infuriated. He hadn't been able to sleep last night because he was out searching for the girl and this is what he got for it?

"If you had kept an eye on her like I told you to, maybe she wouldn't have left." Murewa added.
Jamal kept mute.

Murewa flung the book across the room and slammed his fist on the bed.

"Who is this girl?" Jamal asked his agitated friend.
"She has obviously done something to you because..."

"You are talking way too much." Murewa shook his head at him and stood.

He looked a little calm and Jamal couldn't imagine how easy it was for someone to flit between personalities like that.

"The law is she has to be there for two days without food as punishment."

Murewa smirked and threw on a shirt.
"Punishment for what?"

"For leaving the Palace. It's against the law."

"Hmm." Murewa stalked past him towards the door.
"Where are you....?" But he was gone before Jamal could complete the question.


"I am so cold." Yetunde moaned, curling herself up on the wet ground.
Abike eyed her in disgust and wrapped her arms around herself to keep the cold at bay. She would rather freeze to death than lie on that floor.

Mariam had her fingers around the bars, her head resting on the cold metal, while Modupe just sat quietly on the floor.

They were still in their party dresses, but it didn't look as fancy as it did yesterday.

"I had a beautiful time yesterday, I wouldn't let this taint it," Modupe said suddenly.

"How could we have lost track of time?" Abike asked.

"It's because we were having so much fun." Yetunde managed to grit out through chattering teeth.

"I was having sex, Yetunde. I didn't even finish." Mariam shook her head.

"You are such a slut." Modupe laughed.

"Kill me." Mariam groaned and shook the bars. The lock rattled.

"When do you think we would be let out?" Yetunde suddenly sat up, her dress soaking wet. Abike cringed and looked away.

"The guys didn't tell us that part."

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