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"You are mine. And I am yours. Irrevocably. Nothing is going to change that."
           - Prince Murewa.


Murewa woke up the next morning the happiest he had been in a long time and he didn't even want to acknowledge the reason why.

For the longest time, he had stayed on his own, survived on his own. It was a hard pill to swallow right now that he actually needed someone.

He went through his morning routine quickly and by the time she knocked several minutes later, he was already prepared and waiting for Jamal so they could leave.

As he opened the door and she smiled up at him, he already knew it was going to be a good day today.

"Good morning." She slipped into the room, heading straight for the bed.

"Good morning, ma." He went towards her and smiled as she curled up on the bed with a yawn.
"Still sleepy?"

She nodded, reaching out to wrap her arms around his neck
"Do you have to go for training this morning?" She whined, looking up at him.

"Mama..." Murewa groaned. "I wish I could stay. But I have left Jamal to himself for quite a while now."

"Hmm," she replied, burying her head in his neck.
Murewa held on to her.

"I would be back really soon, ma. Just lie down and wait for me, okay?"


"Mama..." he tried to pull her away so he could look into her eyes. "Are you okay, ma?" He kissed her forehead.

"Yes," she said in the smallest voice. "It's just...I was scared when I was coming to you this morning."

"Why, mama?" He applied a little force and was able to pry her away.
He held her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.
"Why, ma?"

"I felt like you would have changed. Like you would still yell at me and be mean to me. Like yesterday was a dream."

He crushed her to him in a hug, his heart shattering.
He had hurt her so bad.
There were no explanations or apologies. Only action could rectify this.

Just then the door slipped open and Jamal entered.

"Why don't you knock anymore?" Murewa turned to him.

"Hi Abike." Jamal smiled and Abike waved, pulling away from Murewa.

He kissed her forehead and pressed her back onto the bed.
"I would be back soon. We would eat breakfast together, okay?"

"Okay." Abike pulled the covers over herself and yawned as he left the room with his friend.

" both are back together?" Jamal asked as they jogged down the stairs.

Murewa kept mute as they walked.
Jamal smiled because he wasn't even expecting anything a reply.
"I'm glad you can go back to how you used to be now."

"What are you talking about, man?" Murewa eyed him as they went through the entryway.

"I went to see Muyiwa last night."

"He didn't talk, did he?"


"I don't want to kill him, Jamal."

"Me too." Jamal sighed and nodded at the armed guards by the gates as they went past.
"But now that the cabinet members are involved, he doesn't have much time. They already went down to the cell to see him yesterday after the meeting and they are clamoring for his blood."

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