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"I will be back. Your wife, your sons, your whole Kingdom, I will wipe it all out with my hands. I will wipe out your generation."
            - Jamal.


Jamal's whole body screamed and ached with fatigue and strain, but there was no way he could sleep in and skip his morning training.

He needed the strenuous activity to get him started on his day.

He walked down the hall and towards the stairs on his way to the campsite. He was already halfway down before deciding to go check on Murewa.

He was very sure Murewa would still be sleeping since they both made the agreement to skip training this morning, but Jamal really wanted to check up on him.
He had gone off the edge yesterday concerning Abike and Jamal just wanted to be sure everything was fine with him.

He turned the hallway and was in front of Murewa's door in seconds.

He knew Murewa wasn't going to answer if he knocked, so he just pushed the door open and went in.
The room was dark, but Jamal could see very clearly that it was empty.

The bed was made so neatly, Jamal even doubted Murewa slept on it.

He stood by the door, his brain working furiously as he went over the events from the previous evening.

Murewa canceling their morning training.
Murewa saying he wanted him to sleep in.
Murewa saying he would do anything to get Abike back.

It didn't take him too long to figure it out. Murewa had gone to Amu.

Jamal was furious.
More furious than he had ever been in his life.

He made his way quickly to the King's chambers, his heart racing.
No one should kill Murewa just yet. He wanted to do it himself.

Four guards were standing by the King's door and they greeted Jamal as he came closer.

They were Jamal's men. Level four officers who chose to become Palace guards.

"The King is not inside, Sir," they said.

Jamal halted impatiently and threw his arms up. "Where is he then?"

They paused for a while before clearing their throats.
"He is with the Queen. In her room."

"I want to see him," Jamal barked at them.


"It's about Murewa." Jamal stood his ground. "Tell him it's urgent."

They whispered amongst themselves before the nominated guard walked away from the group and down the hall towards Queen Habibah's room.

Jamal watched as he knocked twice and waited till the door swung open.
He couldn't see the King from where he stood with the others, but he could see and hear the guard talking to him.

Seconds later, the King stepped through the door way and into the hall.

He looked up and caught Jamal's gaze.

"Jamal? Is there anything wrong? Is Murewa okay?" He asked from across the hall.

"Can we talk in private, my King?" Jamal asked, a twinge of impatience in his voice.

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