00| Introduction of... (L/N),(M/L)

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(Your appearance ⬆️)


First of all I am a amateur at making stories, And most of them are... uh discontinued. I must also warn you that I am a Lazy author. ugh. You guys won't even probably read this, but I hope you do.

Second, Disclaimer: I do NOT, I repeat DO NOT OWN 'Yowamushi Pedal' And I also do not own 'YOU/YOURSELVES'

Third, I only own the plot of this story. Thank for probably reading. Let's start.

• | Your POV


I shifted to the side of my bed while covering my face with my pillow, trying to block the sound that my alarm was making.




I threw my pillow at my alarm clock, making it fall on the hard floor and the pillow eventually stopped the alarm from making anymore loud ringing, instead it was vibrating under it. I gave glaring daggers at the alarm clock as I was sitting up.

Stupid Alarm clock. It's still dark outside! I thought and was attempting to go back to sleep, ignoring the vibrations that was coming form my floor.

~After 5 minutes of realizing what today was~

Quickly standing up, I remembered that today was the first day of school.

Shit! How the hell did I forgot!? I thought. Then memories of yesterday went flashing through my head.

~Flash Back~

'Whaaaa! Why does "Driven" Have to make me cry?? Huhuhu. This gayness is for real! I felt that bro.!' I thought, trying to wipe away my tears as I watch my favorite anime.

~Half an hour later~

'Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!! YESSS MY SHIP HAS CANNON!! Took them long enough to kiss!!' I thought as I fanboyed covering my already masked mouth.

~around midnight Later~

'Okay, Let's see, There's only five more episodes left...' I looked at my calendar on my door and back to my computer.

'Hmm, Meh. Whatever It's just the first day of school, I'll just alarm really early. Now Let's get back to business~~!' I thought as I wrapped myself in blanket then hugged my pillow, as I watched the anime till 2:30am

~ End of Flashback ~

Oh.... Right..  I thought and rubbed my head. I sighed and picked up the alarm clock and turned the alarm off. I looked at the clock thinking, what time it was, And it was 4:20am in the morning. I sighed in relief.  Good thing didn't forgot to set the alarm off after the anime...

Well better get ready for school. I went to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. There were dark circles under my (E/C) eyes and my (H/C) were all tangled up, because of how I sleep. I stared at my state.




I regret nothing!

After a few minutes of preparing myself for school. I went to the kitchen to make my breakfast and lunch, I was alone in my apartment or if I like to call it my home. My grandparents gives me support and since I'm their only grandchild, they give me all their attention. They always call me if I was doing alright or not. They were always worried for me because.. I'm the only one in the house and because.. I have a special case.

Your Info:

Name: (M/N) (L/N)

Age: 15

Height: (2 inch taller than Onoda.)

Weight: 50kg

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hella GAY!

Romantic interests: (There will be votes for you guys to decide.)

Date of Birth: April 1

Occupation: Student

Personality: Really Kind, but when his angry he'll show you hell. He's very quiet and not that sociable, because of his sexuality and is a big fan of BL animes and mangas. He's also very quick on his feet even thought he doesn't look like it.

Likes: Sleeping, sweets, Cycling, the bicycle club, being with his friends, Observing people, Listening, BL mangas, BL animes, Listening to music, Cooking, Drawing and playing the piano.

Hates: Bugs, when there's no more next season in his BL anime, when someone takes off his mask, being disturbed when his reading his BL, When someone wakes him up, Shouting, Being called names, Seeing his friends sad, Talking too much.

Okey dokey! That's that! Onto the next one!!

Hope y'all will enjoy this!

Oh, yeah by the way 'Driven' is not a real anime, the real name is 'Given' but since this is 'Yowamushi Pedal' fanfic I cannot mix any other anime, but Here you are a Yaoi fan. And is gay so there's going to be some OOC from some characters here.

Have a nice day/afternoon/night! Thank you for reading~

Love you all~ mua 💋


THE UNNOTICED CLIMBER ( Yowamushi Pedal x Male! Reader ) 《DISCONTINUED》Where stories live. Discover now