Chapter 2 - Peter

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I bounced my knees under the table, causing the entire length of it to shake and through Leopold out of the teapot he had been sitting. 

"Settle down, boy, before you flip the table! She'll be here any minute now." Wolfsbane growled from his spot at the long tea table. 


"Don't play dumb, Peter. We all know you fancy Miss Sams friend." Huntsman said, shoving a sandwich half in his mouth. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered stubbornly. 

"What is the poor boy confused about now?" Hatter asked as he, Sam, and Angie walked into the clearing. 

My heart raced when Angie smiled at me. Her auburn hair swung lightly around her shoulders. The grey skirt she wore moved in the breeze. Her baby blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. When she sat down next to me, it took me a minute to realize she was talking to me.  

"WH-what do you mean?" 

"I said, it is good to see you again." She laughed, tucking some hair behind her ear.  

"Oh, it's good to see you too." 

"How have you enjoyed your stay in the Realm?" Huntsman asked Angie. 

She smiled, and I was a little jealous it wasn't directed towards me. "It's...its unreal, honestly. It's so beautiful, and you guys have all been so sweet. I really don't want to leave." 

"You can always come and visit," Hatter said, sipping his tea. "This isn't goodbye forever." 

"Next time you visit, you should come to Neverland." I said softly, picking the seeds out of a strawberry. "You didn't get to see Mermaid Lagoon this time." 

"I'd like that," I looked up as she spoke, my heart fluttering when she grabbed my hand under the table. 

The conversation went on smoothly after that. All around the table was chatting, laughing, and plain happiness. We had all forgotten about Angie's impending departure. Just when the sun was starting to set, another visitor joined the group. 

Matthew Hare, the Queens messenger, walked into the clearing. His white hair was covered in dusks shadows. His violet eyes darted around quickly, in tune with his surroundings. His white suit looked crisp and clean. 

I wondered why he was here, wondered what business the Queens could have with any of us. I assumed everyone else was thinking the same thing, with all of the furrowed eyebrows and confused looks floating around the table. 

When he reached the table, Hatter was the first to speak. "Matthew, my friend, it's been too long since we've last see each other. How have you been?" 

I've been well. And, you're right, it has been too long. How have you been? I heard you've found your much anticipated Other Half?" 

"You've heard correctly." He grabbed Sam's hand, smiling down at her. "This is Sam. Sam, this is Matthew Hare. He's not only the royal messenger, but a good friend of mine." 

"Nice to meet you," she said politely, shaking his hand. 

"Likewise," He said to her before turning back to Hatter. "You've really outdone yourself, my friend. Your bride is a beauty." 

Samantha blushed. "Let me guess, white rabbit?" She asked Hatter, gesturing to the messenger. 

Hatter laughed, nodding in agreement. He turned back to Matthew. "What brings this surprising, albeit welcomed, trip? I'm sure you didn't come to Wonderland just to meet Sam." 

Matthew sighed. "You're right, again, although it was a pleasure meeting her. The Queens have requested the presence of Peter Pan and Angela Montgomery." 

"Why?" I asked, even more confused now, as to why they would want to see the two of us. 

He shrugged. "They don't give me the reason, only the people to inform." 

"When do they want to see us?" Angie asked, knotting a napkin in her hands. 

"They requested as soon as possible before you leave the Realm." 

She sighed, getting out of her chair. "We might as well get this over with now. Do you know the way to the castle, Peter?" 

I wordlessly nodded as I got out of my own seat. Sam gave Angie a hug. "See you when you get back." 

Angie nodded as we started down the path to the Square. My stomach was in knots of anticipation, my throat thick with worry. All I could think the entire way there was if they were calling us there for the same reason as they did Sam and Hatter, and if I would be discouraged or excited when we left.

Peter:It Only Takes A Wish... (The UnFairytales Saga, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now