Chapter 14 - Peter

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Huntsman kicked the dirt at his feet as he sighed. "So, where do we go from here?" 

I sat on the bare ground, defeated. "I have no idea." 

"We can't give up now," Hatter said, determined, as he ran a hand thought his hair. "There has to be something we aren't seeing."  

"We've been at this for a week, Hatter. We've looked through every angle and lead we can think of, and we haven't found them yet." 

"They boy's right, mate," Wolfsbane said sadly. "This is hard for all of us to accept, especially Peter. But, we've done all we can. We should check on the ladies and regroup. Maybe, with a little rest, we'll find something." 

"But," Hatter started. I didn't let him finish. 

"No 'buts' Hatter," I stood up and faced him, tears in my eyes and defeat in his. "This is my decision. We will do as Wolfsbane said. Besides, I want to check on Angie, and I'm sure you want to make sure Sam's all right." 

He sighed in surrender. "Alright, let's go back to the Other Side. But, only for a few days." 

I nodded. "We'll come back tomorrow, Realm-time. Hopefully, we'll be able to find something then." 

"We should stop by the Lagoon first. Maybe Josephine and the other mermaids can keep an eye on the seas and shore while we're away." Huntsman suggested as he brushed some dirt off of his pants before picking up his cross-bow.  

"I agree," Wolfsbane said, looking at me. "It's best, just in case something does happen." 

"To the Lagoon then, I guess." I started walking, leaving them behind.  

I could hear their whispered conversations behind me as I led the way to Mermaid Lagoon. Normally, it would have bothered me, hearing them talking about me instead of talking to me. But I knew they were only doing it as a courtesy. I wouldn't talk to them until I knew that Angie, at least, was safe. I couldn't take to them, I couldn't talk to anyone.  

I felt numb, useless even. I told them I would protect them, especially after the last time with Elizabeth. But, I couldn't. Once again, I let a girl get in my head, and I put her before the Boys. I let them down. 

I was pulled back, almost falling onto the sandy beach. I hadn't even realized that we had reached the Lagoon. I turned, and Huntsman can into my field of vision. I felt the hands leave my shoulders, and I knew he had been the one who stopped me.  

"You almost walked straight into the ocean," he explained. I looked down, and realized that I was only a footstep away from where the waves were slowly hitting the shore. 

"Oh," I murmured.  

"The rocks are this way," Wolfsbane said calmly, steering me towards the large boulders. "I see Josephine, too." 

We made our way to the mermaid, Wolfsbane steering me in the direction I was supposed to go. I was surprised I was even able to walk, knowing that if Wolfsbane were to let go of me, I would collapse.  

When we finally reached the shallow pool where Josephine was, we were greeted with a small smile. "Hello, Boys. What brings you to my side of the Realm?"  

"We are going to head back to the other Side for a bit. We need to check on the girls, get some rest, regroup," Hatter explained. "Can you keep an eye on things wile we're gone? Maybe get some of the land-walkers to look too?" 

She nodded, light blue curls tumbling out of their up-do and disappearing under the water. "Sure thing anything for you guys."  

"Thank you, Josephine." Wolfsbane said earnestly.  

I saw her glance at me out of the corner of my eye. "How's he holding up?" 

I heard someone sigh, and Wolfsbane shook his head in a 'not now' kind of way. Her green eyes saddened. 

"We'll do everything we can. If there's anything else we can do, let me know." 

Huntsman nodded. "Thank you. We're going to have Tink check around from the sky while we're gone, see if she can get anything from a higher point of view. If there's anything else we need, we'll let you know." 

As she nodded, another mermaid swam up to us. Her hair was shorter than Josephine's, the bright red locks hitting just above her elbows. Her dark, jewel-like blue eyes held confusion as they sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. 

"Josephine," She called as she reached us. 

"What is it, Ariella?" The blue-haired mermaid asked with concern plastered on her face. 

"Tristan said that there was a message left, but he didn't know what to make of it. So, he asked me to see if you could make sense of it." 

"Who left the message?"  

"He said he couldn't see the mans face because he was wearing a hood that covered his face. But, he knew it was a man, because of his deep voice. He was tall, and Tristan said he had a 'ruthless presence', whatever that means."  

"What did the message say, Ariella?" 

"This is where is gets confusing. Tristan said the message was 'Tell the boy I said Deejay vie.' Isn't that weird?" 

"That is strange." 

"Angie," I whispered, almost in disbelief, knowing exactly what the message meant.  

"What did you say, boy?" Wolfsbane asked.  

"That message was meant for me," I said, this time louder. "I told you guys it was happening again! I need to get to Angie." 

I ran back towards the woods, ignoring their cries and shouts. I didn't know where I was going or what I would do once I got there. All I knew was that I needed to get to the Other Side and find Angie before it was too late.

Peter:It Only Takes A Wish... (The UnFairytales Saga, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now