Chapter 5 - Angie

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I was sitting at the table, anxiously waiting, when I heard a loud crash coming from where Peter had walked off. 

Suddenly, I was surrounded by seven guys, all between the ages of nineteen and twelve. They were all smiling, hugging me tightly, each trying to talk louder than the others until I could no longer understand what any of them were saying. I recognized each of them from Sam and Hatter's wedding. At the time, I hadn't realized that they were the Lost Boys Peter had excitedly told me about. 

"What did I say about not bombarding her?" Was called from the doorway; I smiled gratefully when the boys instantly jumped away from me, finally able to take a full breath, at Peters words. He smiled sheepishly.  

"Sorry about that. I specifically told them not to do that. As you can tell, they don't listen very well." 

"It's fine, really." I tried to sound persuasive as I continued to regulate my breathing.  

He didn't look like he believed me, but thankfully let it go. He turned his attention to the boys, who had lined themselves in some odd order. "It's time for introductions." 

The first to speak was a tall Asian boy. He was probably about six feet tall, and had short, spiky hair. When he smiled at me, it reached all the way to his nut brown eyes. " 

My name's Samuel, but everyone calls me Chopsticks. It's nice to meet you."  

The next to speak was a guy with brown-black hair and chestnut eyes. His shaggy hair fell under his glasses, and he quickly moved it out of his eyesight. "My name's Dylan, but you can call me Books. Everyone does, since I kind of like to read." He smiled at me shyly.  

Ice blue eyes met mine as I shifted my gaze to the right. White-blonde hair hung carelessly over the boy's forehead. "The name's Christmas, Chris for short. Things should liven up a bit now that you're here."  

His comment puzzled me, but I shook it off when I studied the next boy in line. Tweed brown hair fell into amber eyes. Suddenly, he started laughing, throwing his head back. And just as suddenly as it started, it stopped.  

"My name's Joker, but some take to calling me Logan." He shrugged. "Some people just can't enjoy a good joke." 

"Good to know." I said, glancing at Peter. He shook his head in a 'don't ask' kind of way. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I jumped to find a boy with ash-blonde hair staring at me, barely a nose length away. He smiled a full smile, honey brown eyes sparkling.  

"Do you always sneak up on people like that?" I asked, hand to my racing heart. 

He shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah; I'm Trevor, but these little gnats call me Shadow. Professional stalker, at your service," He bowed dramatically, making me laugh, before he got back in line. "If you ever need a sarcastic answer, you know where to find me." 

He got back in line, nudging the boy to the right of him. Pale, gun-metal blue eyes stared back at me, boredom in them. His platinum blonde hair looked as if he had been in bed all day. When he didn't day anything, I looked to Shadow. He shrugged. 

"He hasn't said anything since he found out why he was in Neverland. He doesn't talk, doesn't laugh, and doesn't smile. We call him Clouds." He explained casually. "We've pretty much all gotten used to it."  

"We'll just have to find a reason for you to smile again." I told the sulking boy. 

He looked at me, tears threatening to break free. He quickly blinked to get rid of them. "You can try, but it won't work." 

I heard everyone gasp as I gave him a small, sad smile before I averted my eyes to the end of the line. A shorter boy was bouncing excitedly next to clouds, blonde hair moving this way and that as he jumped. His baby blue eyes shined excitedly. He seemed younger than the rest of the boys. 

"I'm Henry," he introduced himself. "And you're really pretty."  

I laughed a little. "Thank you, Henry." 

"Henry's the youngest of the bunch," Peter explained. "And, he's the shortest. We all call him Pipsqueak."  

"I'm not young, I'm twelve!" The boy demanded, causing both me and Peter to laugh.  

"Alright, I surrender! You're the biggest manly man I've ever met." Peter held up his hands in mock surrender. 

"Thank you," Henry said, folding his arms across his chest. "That's all I wanted." 

I laughed again. I had a feeling nothing would be boring with these boys around. I smiled at them, tucking some hair behind my ear.  

"Well, this is everyone." Peter said. "Except for Tink, at least; you'll meet her another time." 

It was quiet for a minute before Henry spoke up. "So... You want to play a game?"  

"How about after dinner," Peter suggested. "Who's hungry?"  

A chorus of agreements sounded and not long after I was pulled into a seat at the long table.

Peter:It Only Takes A Wish... (The UnFairytales Saga, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now