Chapter 7 - Angie

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They were all silent, staring at me. Slowly, a smile started to spread across Pipsqueaks face.  

"That. Was. Awesome!" He said, jumping up and down on the bed, waking Clouds. 

"But, what happened to Captain Shay?" Books asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nobody knows for sure. Some say he died from loneliness. Others say that he's still in the caves simply waiting for another ships arrival, oblivious to the amount of time that has past. There are even a small number of people who say that he managed to escape the caves, and is living a life of solitude in the shadows." 

"Is that a real story?" Peter asked, his face scrunched up in a way that was hard not to laugh at. 

"Do you have a spyglass?" 

He nodded and left the room. The Boys and I followed him, waiting in the living room. When he came back, he had a wooden spyglass in his hands. He handed it to me.  

"Here it is, but I don't know how it's gonna prove your story's real." 

"Follow me." I said, taking the spyglass and walking outside. I walked about halfway down the path Peter and I had taken to get to the house. Opening the miniature telescope, I quickly scanned the water until I found what I was looking for.  

I handed it to Shadow. "Have a look." 

He glanced at me questioningly before taking the spyglass and looking through it. "Well, it's there, all right." 

After that, everyone took a turn looking through the glass at the stranded ship. I felt eyes on me, and turned to find Peter staring at me. When my eyes met his, he smiled at me. 

When everyone had their curiosity satisfied, we headed back to the house. Each of the boys said goodnight, then went back downstairs, leaving Peter and I alone. 

"How many rooms does this place have?" I asked. 

"Just two, but we could easily add more. All of the Boys decided they wanted to share a room rather than each having their own." 

"Why? Wouldn't they be more comfortable in their own rooms?"  

"Maybe, but they prefer to be together. They each have a bond with each other that even I don't have with them. They are more than friends, they're brothers." 

"Is that why you have your own room?" 

He started leading me down another hallway. "No, that's not it. Contrary to popular belief, I like a little more privacy than the rest of the Boys." 

He opened a large oak door, revealing a room almost the size of the basement floor. There was a large bed in the center of one wall. Directly across from it was a dresser. There was across from the door wasn't really a wall at all, just three large panels of glass with a matching glass door in the center.  

"This is my room." Peter said. "I know it's not much, but it's my own space; just a place to think and sleep really." 

"It's cozy." I said, walking further into the room. 

"You can stay here tonight. When we get back from the Other Side, we can add on your own room." 

"Where are you going to sleep?"  

I sat crossed-legged on the bed while he leaned against the door jam. "I'll sleep downstairs tonight. We always keep extra beds, in case we cross paths with someone who needs a place to stay." 

"I don't want to kick you out of your own room." 

"It's fine, really. I don't mind." 

"I have a question." I suddenly blurted. 

"What's that?" He walked in, sitting on the floor in front of me.  

"Shadow said that Clouds hadn't spoken since he found out why he was in Neverland. What did he mean by that?" 

"People who come to the Realm, people who weren't born here, usually have a pretty traumatic reason behind it. They Boys are no different. Books was in a fire, at a library ironically, and was suffocating from the smoke. Shadow was in a car accident and had a tree limb go through his stomach. Joker fell through the trap door of the stage he was performing on and was paralyzed by a fracture in his neck." 

"They all had near-death experiences?" 

He nodded. "Clouds did, too. He hasn't talked about it much. The only thing he's said was that, on the Other Side, he was in a coma." 

"How horrible," I watched as Peter got up from the floor, brushing invisible dust off of him.  

"It is, but that's how things are. There's nothing we can do to change it. All we can do is try to make their life here better than it was on the Other Side." 

We just sat there in silence for a few moments, thinking about what could have possibly happened to Clouds to make him the way he is.  

"Well, I guess we should get some sleep if we are going to leave on time tomorrow." Peter said as he walked towards the door. 

"Yeah, I guess so." 

"Hey, Angie," Peter paused as he opened the door. 


"How did you know all of that stuff about Captain Shay?" 

I got under the blanket. "I didn't." 

His eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean, you didn't?" 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I saw the ship there on our way here. It just kind of went from there." 

"Why did you tell the Boys it was real?" 

"I didn't. I just showed them the ship and let them come to their own conclusions." 


I smiled. "I think we all need to be able to believe in what we want. Without belief, there's no real point to anything, is there?" 

He chuckled. "No, I guess there's not. Goodnight, Angie." 

"Goodnight, Peter." 

And with that, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I wiggled deeper into the blanket, getting comfortable, before I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Peter:It Only Takes A Wish... (The UnFairytales Saga, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now