Chapter 15 - Angie

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It had been ten months since I'd last seen or heard from Peter. Even calm Sam, and stable-minded Tink, was starting to worry.  

"Should it be taking this long?" Sam asked nervously one afternoon. 

Tink shook her head. "I don't know." 

I sat down next to Tink, handing each of them a cup of hot tea. "I'm surprised it's taken you guys this long to freak out." 

"Speaking of which," Tink said before taking a sip of tea. "How is it that you aren't freaking out anymore? It seems like our roles have been reversed." 

I shrugged. "I'm so far passed being freaked out. I'm so worried, I'm calm. It's like... It's like a serene chaos." 

Sam nodded in understanding as Tink shook her head in resigned unbelief. "I will never be able to understand you Other Siders and your confusing emotions." 

I laughed. "And I will never understand you Realmers and your stable emotions. How can everything be so black and white?" 

"How can everything be so Technicolor?" She countered. 


We sat quietly after that, listening to the rain outside. I might have been seemingly calm on the outside, but on the inside I was a whirling tornado of questions and emotions. I didn't know what to feel. I didn't know if I should be upset or angry. Worried or elated. Happy or curious. 

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know if they were hurt or if they were perfectly alright. Did they find the Boys already, or where they still looking? If they did find the Boys, were they safe and sound? Or, did their captors hurt them in some way? 

I was driving myself crazy with all of the questions. I wished he would just give me some sort of sign that he was alright. Anything to let me know where he was or how he was doing.  

"Angie, are you still here?" Sam asked, waiving a hand in my face. 

I playfully slapped it away. "Sorry, my mind wandered for a minute. What were you saying?" 

"We were asking if you were hungry. The house is completely empty, so we were thinking we could go out for pizza." 

I nodded. "Sounds good. Let me go get cleaned up." 

They both nodded, and I went upstairs. I brushed my hair as quickly as I could without pulling the thick strands out of my head. Putting on a bit of black liner around my eyes and some mascara, I slipped on my shoes. Grabbing my jacket as I slid out the bedroom door, I rushed down the stairs. Tink and Sam were already waiting by the door. 

"Are you finally ready, slow poke?" Sam asked, giggling. 

"I think so. Oh, wait, I think I forgot something..." I turned around and started walking back up towards my room. 

"Angie," she wined behind me, making me laugh.  

I came back down the stairs. "I'm just kidding. Let's go, I'm starving."  

We started for the car, only stopping so I could lock the door. The drive to the pizza place was pretty quiet; the only sounds were the echoing cars driving by and the low voice of the man on the radio. They trip didn't take any more than twenty minutes. When we got to the restaurant, there were only a few stragglers there, and the employees looked like they were just waiting for their shifts to end. 

"Welcome to the Fire Pit, how can I help you?" The girl at the cash register yawned, smacking her gum loudly. 

"Can we get a medium pizza with pineapple, olives, and bacon?" Sam ordered from memory. It was what we would order every Friday when we'd go out after work. 

"Sure thing," the cashier said, typing our order in. "Anything else you want to add?" 

I turned to Tink, who was staring at the menu in awe. "You want anything?" 

"Can we try some of the fried cheese fries?" 

Sam and I laughed. "Sure, those things are great." 

The cashier gave us our total, and Sam paid. We took our number and sat down.  

"So, what exactly are fried cheese fries?" Tink asked. 

"A heart attack waiting to happen," Sam said, laughing. 

When Tink shot me a confused glance, I decided to explain. "They're steak fries filled with queso cheese that are baked. When they are almost cooked, they pull them out, cover them in batter, and fry them until they are cooked the rest of the way."  

Tinks eyes got big. "Wow, you weren't kidding." 

Just then, the entire restaurant shook as if it were a magic eight ball in the hands of a giant. Chairs toppled over, cups rolled off of tables, and the few customers still there ended up with food in their laps. Just as soon as it started, it stopped. I sat up where I was laying on the ground as Tink climbed out from underneath the table. When Sam sat up on the seat at the booth, I climbed up next to her. 

"Angie," Tink said warily. "Does Maine usually have earthquakes like this?" 

I shook my head. "We had them in California, but not here. We usually have hurricanes, not earthquakes. Why?" 

"We need to get out of here, now." She tried to pull me and Sam out of the booth. 

"Tink, what's wrong?" I tried to rip my arm free of her, to no avail. 

As I was struggling against the pixie's iron grip, the lights went out. The darkness inside mixed with the midnight sky outside the windows made it impossible to see anything. Someone yelled for everyone to calm down, even though no one was freaking out. I felt Tinks grip on my arm go slack before leaving completely.  

When the lights came back on, Tink and Sam were gone, as well as the workers. In fact, everyone who was there before it went dark was gone. Now, there was only a tall man with a long, dark red coat in front of me. 

He smiled a wicked smile. "Hello, girlie."

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