Chapter 13 - Angie

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I hear Tink sigh again as I made another lap around the living room. Ignoring her, I continued my pacing, twirling my hair around my finger in a repetitive motion. 

"Seriously, Angie, calm down. I'm sure they're fine." Tink tried to reassure me as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"It's been three months, Tink. They've been gone for three months, and we haven't heard anything from them!" 

"You've got to remember, time is different in the Realm than it is here. It's only been three days there." Sam patted the seat next to her. "Come sit down, and I'll get you something to eat." 

I sat down with a huff. "I'm not hungry." 

"You're worse than Elizabeth was." Tink muttered. 

"Who's Elizabeth, and how am I worse than her?" 

Tinks stone-hard face melted for a moment to a grey-filled shock. She quickly righted herself, putting the emotionless mask back on.  

"She's part of Peter's past," She yawned. "Not mine. It's not for me to say." 

"That's not fair, Tink," Sam scolded. "You brought it up. Besides, you know she deserves to know." 

"What do I deserve to know?" I glanced between the two of them, thoroughly confused. They didn't listen to me.  

"I agree, she deserves to know," Tink sighed. "But, like I said, it's not for me to say. You should wait until Peter gets back; wait for him to hell her." 

"What's there to tell?" I asked, again being ignored.  

"If you don't tell her, I will." Sam said, standing. She crossed her arms, squaring her jaw. I had seen this look many times. I knew it well. It was her 'try and stop me' stance. 

They stared at each other for a few minutes. It was a hard, silent stare. The tension in the room was thick. Finally, Tink surrendered, relaxing her stance.  

"Fine," she sighed. "We'll tell her. And, that is in we will both tell her." 

"As you wish," Sam said, sitting down with a smug look of satisfaction on her face. 

"Sp," I interjected, feeling awkward. "Is someone going to tell me who Elizabeth is?" 

Tink sighed, and I found myself thinking she does that a lot. "Elizabeth is..." 

"Was," Sam corrected.  

"Right, Elizabeth was Peter's Other Half." 

"I'm... So overly confused." I looked back and forth between their expressionless faces. "I thought I was Peter's Other Half. Even the Queens said so." 

"You're the one Fate decided was meant to be with him. But, you are not his first love." 

"I don't understand," I couldn't finish the thought. "Sam, do you know anything about this?" 

"I didn't know her, but Hatter told me a bit about the incident before we came."  

She was quiet again, but I needed answers. "What did he tell you?" 

She sighed quietly. "Peter met Elizabeth about fifteen years ago when he accidentally entered the Realm. He and the Boys - it was only Chopsticks, Joker, and Books at the time - were out on a treasure hunt when they saw her in Mermaid Lagoon. The mermaids were trying to drown her for some reason." 

"It was because they thought she was too pretty." Tink interjected.  

"Anyways," Sam continued, cutting a look at the pixie. "When he fished her out of the water, he said she looked like a dying jellyfish, with her hair stuck to her head and shoulders and her clothes dripping wet. Of course, that made her mad as ever. So mad, in fact, that she hadn't realized he had already started flying her back to his place. When she tried to punch him for his comment, he almost dropped her." 

"What happened when they got to his house?" I knew I didn't want to know, but I had to ask. 

"When they got there, she met the Lost Boys officially. They instantly loved her, and she fell in love with them. You never saw her alone. She was either with the Boys, or Peter." 

"Everyone who met her fell in love with her, too. She was just that kind of person." Tink said a faraway look in her eyes.  

"So, what happened?" I settled back into my seat, tucking my legs underneath me. 

Tink looked at me then. "About three or four months after Peter saved her from drowning, he and Elizabeth were called for a meeting with the Queens. Because they had been together for so long, Peter thought they wanted to tell him that Elizabeth was his Other Half." 

"But, when they got there, the Queens told her that she had to leave the Realm." Sam said, continuing Tinks thought. "It tore Peter apart, having to send her back to the Other Side. Still, he would see her everyday. They spent months trying to see each other, trying to work around the laws and time differences." 

It was Tinks turn to continue. "He started forgetting plans he had made with the Boys, cutting games short. Soon, he stopped spending time with them altogether. Angry at Peter for pushing them to the side, they decided to go on a pre-planned treasure hunt without him. Peter had forgotten about the hunt, and was in the Other Side waiting for Elizabeth, when it happened." 

"What happened?" I leaned forward, wanting to know more. 

They looked wearily at each other before Sam continued to explain. "The Lost Boys were kidnapped by a pirate. When Peter heard, he instantly went running. But, they were only a distraction." 

"A distraction from what?" 

"They wanted Peter, and they knew that the only way to get him was to get Elizabeth. But, things went bad when the captain got tired of waiting." 

"How bad did things get?" They both got quiet, looking at each other. "Guys, what happened to her?" 

"I don't want to tell her." Sam whispered.  

"Tell me what?" I was getting tired of them avoiding telling me what happened. 

Finally, Tink Sighed. "Angela, Elizabeth died."

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