Chapter 4 - Peter

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Angie followed me to Neverland in silence. No more than a simple thank-you when I would help her over fallen trees or large holes past through her lips. I could tell she had a lot on her mind, but the silence that fell between us was still unnerving.  

As we walked, the grassy ground started turning into the well-worn path the Boys and I used on a daily basis, and I knew we would be arriving at my house soon. I started to wonder if she would get along with the boys, or if she would get along with Tink. The spunky fairy didn't get along with the last visitor we'd had in Neverland, and I hoped she would at least try to be civil with Angie. 

I moved the last few low-hanging branches out of the way, revealing my humble home. The wind blew by, knocking some moss off the roof. The sun had started to set, and you could see the light inside through the windows. Smoke was coming out of the chimney, signaling a fire was built, warming the interior.  

"This is my place," I said tentively, waiting for a reaction.  

"It looks cozy. Do you live here by yourself? It's kind of small." 

"It expands underground, so it's a lot bigger than it looks. The Lost Boys live with me too, so there's never a dull moment." I laughed a little as I said the last part, remembering all of the adventures the Boys and I used to go on. 

"Are they here?" She started twirling some hair around her fingers. 

Laughing, I grabbed her hand, lacing my fingers through hers. "Yes, and they are going to love you." 

With a loud sigh, she smiled. "Let's get the awkward stage of the evening over with, shall we?" 

I nodded, smiling, and pulled her to the house. Opening the door, I let her enter the small space first. I followed, closing the door behind me. I gestured to the long table in the kitchen.  

"Go ahead and take a seat. I'll go find the Boys." 

Nodding, she took a seat at the table, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. I chuckled a bit as I walked away, in search of the seven other people I shared the large house with.  

I found them all downstairs. Books was lying on his bunk, reading something about whatever spiked his interest at the moment. Christmas, Pipsqueak, and Joker were in the middle of the room arguing about what game they were going to play. Chopsticks was on his bed, folding multi-colored leaved into shapes and animals, and Clouds was sleeping in a chair against the wall. Shadows was sitting in one of the darker corners of the room, watching it all.  

"Boys," I said in a loud voice, capturing their attention. "I have an announcement." 

They all gathered around where I was sitting. Clouds was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Pipsqueak was practically jumping in excitement.  

"What's up, Pete?" Joker asked. "Did that old pirate finally jump in the crocs mouth himself?" 

They all laughed. 

"No, not yet, but I have even bigger news." 

"Are we going on a treasure hunt?" Pipsqueak asked, practically yelling. 

I felt bad for the eight-year-old. He hadn't gone on a hunt with us yet. He was still excited as we all were when we went on our first treasure hunts, and I hoped he wouldn't lose it. 

"Not today, Pipsqueak. There's someone I want you guys to meet." 

"Who is it?" Chopsticks asked from his spot in the back. 

"Did you find a new Lost Boy?" Asked Books, finally closing the book in his hand and joining the conversations. 

"In a way. Do you remember Sam, Hatter's new wife?" 

A chorus of 'yeah' and 'uh-huh' came back as a response. "She's his Other Half. And her friend Angie..." 

"I liked Angie," Pipsqueak cut me off. "I wished she could have stayed." 

"Well, Pipsqueak, you got your wish. Angie's my Other Half. That's why I had to go see the Queens today." 

"Come one, let's go see her!" He yelled, trying to clamor his way up the stairs. 

"Hold it," I yelled, grabbing the boy and setting him in his previous spot. "She's staying tonight, but tomorrow I'm going with her to the Other Side for a week." 

"A week of time on the Other Side, or a week our time?" Books asked. 

"I don't know. I'm assuming a week their time, which means we'll be back tomorrow afternoon." 

"And she'll come back with you?" 

"That's the plan." 

"So... Can we go see her now?" Pipsqueak asked. 

I laughed. "Go ahead. Just...Don't bomb her with questions, okay? She's still warming up to the idea of staying here." 

"Why wouldn't she want to stay here?" Pipsqueak asked, confused. 

"You guys have to remember, on the Other Side, we're all just fairytales. She's still getting used to the fact that we all actually do exist." They all nodded in agreement, thoughtful expressions on their faces. "Now, go on. She's waiting to meet you." 

I watched as they ran up the stairs, tripping over each other in their excitement. With a deep breath for courage, I followed them upstairs, hoping they wouldn't scare Angie away before I even got a chance with her.

Peter:It Only Takes A Wish... (The UnFairytales Saga, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now