I love you

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Nick and Jess were sitting on the couch of the loft.

Winston, Coach, and Schmidt were out with having a guy's night.


"Come on guys! Strippers, booze, and dancing. What could be better" Coach said.

"Fine, but I don't want to stay out too late, I've got a very important meeting tomorrow"  Schmidt said.

"Fine, fine, Nick you in?"  Coach said.

"Nah man I'm staying in tonight" Nick replied

"Ughhh why? All you ever do is hang out with Ness"

"First of all, her name is Jess. Second of all, I love hanging out with her and I lo-, like, her, a lot" Nick stammered.

"OK fine, come on bunny money" Coach motioned to Winston, and the three guys were out.

Jess walked in. "Where are the guys?"

"They wet out for guys night"

"You didn't want to go with them?" Jess asked while putting her arms around Nick.

"No, I couldn't leave you here. What if there was an intruder? Or you couldn't reach the top shelf for a bowl for ice cream? Or you got cold on a couch and needed someone to cuddle you? Nick said.

Jess laughed, "Well I guess we could have a chill night in"

"Sooooo, sex on the couch?" Nick's eyebrow raised.

Present time

"This is my favorite part!" Jess exclaimed.

"I know, we've watched this movie a million times" Nick chuckled.

Jess's eyes were glued to the screen as Patrick Swayze picked up Jeniffer Grey.

Jess started squealing, "I'veeeeeee had the time of my lifeeeeee" and jumping up and down.

Nick laughed and picked up his girlfriend and started carrying her around the living room. "Nick? What are you doing?" Jess said laughing.

"Giving you the time of your life! Nick Miller style" Nick said laughing.

At the end of the scene, Nick put Jess down and they were eye to eye.

"That was so much fun!" Jess said nearly out of breath.

"Yeah it was, I can't wait to do that at our wedding" Nick said.

"Wait what?" Jess said.

"At our...reading, my reading for my book, you know, but a wedding wouldn't be so bad because I love you. I MEAN-" Nick was stammering again.

Jess laughed and leaned in to kiss him.

"Was that to kiss me or to shut me up?" Nick asked.

"A bit of both, but by the way-" Jess leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you too"

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