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Nick was not the jealous type. Not. At. All.

He trusted Jess and Jess trusted him, and that's the way he liked it.

So when he saw Jess talking to another guy across the bar, he pushed away from the feeling of jealousy.

He tended to his customers, but out of the corner of his eye he would see Jess laughing at that guys joke.

"I'm funny. I'm a funny guy. She laughs at me. I'm Julius Pepperwood" Nick thought to himself.

Nick was wiping the bar when that guy came up to him.

"Hey man, I'll have a pint and a glass of rosè for the lady over there" he said and motioned over to Jess, who was on her phone.

Nick gritted his teeth as he poured the drinks. "What's your name man?"


"Well COLE  here's your drinks, the lady's drink is free, your's however is 4.00$"

"And why is the lady's drink free?"

"Because, she's special. She's my girlfriend. So, don't get any ideas"

"Ah I see, you're the boyfriend she keeps talking about"

Nick smiled slightly. Jess was so innocent that she  didn't know when men were trying to pick her up and flirt with her. He didn't have to worry, she talked about Nick, even if she didn't mean to.

"Wait, so why are you getting her a drink?" Nick's eyebrow raised.

"Well there's no reason not to be a gentlemen around a pretty lady" Cole shrugged.

The next couple seconds happened so fast. Nick leaned over the counter and punched Cole square in the jaw.

"What the hell man?!" Cole yelled at Nick.

Jess hurried over, "Nick? What happened!?".

"Get out of my bar" Nick simply said, and watched Cole walk out of the door.

Jess looked over at Nick. "Sorry" Nick whispered. He knew Jess hated violence, especially when it involved Nick.

Jess wrapped her arms around Nick, "Were you jealous Nick Miller?"

Nick returned the motion and pulled Jess closer, "Maybe I was Jessica Day. I didn't like how he was talking to MY girlfriend"

Jess laughed "So, you do really care about me?"

"Of course I do, I love you" Nick said

"I love you too"

Sorry this was a little shorter than usual. See you in the next oneshot :)


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