Proposal pt 2

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"Sooooo, what have you got planned for tonight?" Jess asked.

"Well Ms. Day, I'm glad you asked. I have a night planned of...what some might call, a trip down memory lane" Nick responded.

"OoOoOoOo, a night of mystery. Fun!" Jess exclaimed.

The couple got to the restaurant and sat at the exact table as last time.

"Oh my gosh Nick?! This is-it's the same table from our first date." Jess gushed.

"Really I didn't notice" Nick said with a smile on his face.

"I can't believe you brought...Caroline" Jess's smile disappeared.

"Caroline? I didn't...ohhhhhhh shit" Nick turned and saw his ex.

"Nick?" Caroline squinted her eyes at her ex.

"Carol...line. Carol. Caroly. Coraline. How's it hanging girllllllll" Nick stammered. He was really not good at dealing with exes, especially this one.

"Well this is a situation" Jess said in a strange voice. "Hey uh Nick? Can I talk to you for a second?"

Jess lead Nick away from their table, "Nick, I know you planned this, but I don't think I can sit across the room and eat from your ex. I'm sorry".

"No no no, that's totally fine Jess. Let's get hot dogs from the stand outside, besides that's where you thought we were eating first anyway on our first date". Jess smiled and leaned in to kiss him. 

"Thanks for understanding"

The two left the restaurant and grabbed hot dogs and walked to the park. "Remember when you crashed that kids birthday party?" Nick joked. Jess laughed, "Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing. I can't believe you didn't stop me!".

Just then Nick's phone rang, "So...hows dinner?" Schmidt asked.

"We skipped, Caroline was there, we grabbed hot dogs and are in the park"

"Already? Nick come on give a man some warning, then you're not gonna like the next bit of news"

"Oh god what is it"

"The movie theater just closed because of a gas leak"

"What!? So are you telling me that I can't take Jess to the movies where we spent her first birthday as a couple."

"Yes, that and the weather is calling for a sudden rain storm in our area"


"Hey! I can't control the weather I'm not God, though sometimes I think I am"

"Ugh, jar!

"Fine, but don't worry we have a plan"

"What plan and who's we?"

*line disconnects*

"Schmidt? SCHMIDT!"

"Is everything alright?" Jess asked.

"Jess, I'm sorry. Everything I planned tonight is ruined. Everything has gone wrong. All I wanted was to plan the perfect night for you, and nothing is going right" Nick apologized and sat down on a nearby bench.

"Nick? What are you talking about? This night has been amazing! Walking down memory lane with you has just been...amazing"

Jess leaned in kissed Nick tenderly. "I love you Nick Miller. I love you and this date".

Nick thought to himself 'this is a good a time as any'. "Jessica Day, I love you too, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and go to sleep next to you every night. So, Jessica Day, will do the honours of becoming my wife and marrying me?"

Jess was speachless. "Oh my gosh Nick. Yes. YES. YESSSSSSS. OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU" She yelled. Jess jumped into Nick's arms and he twirled her around.

Just then Cece, Schmidt, Winston, and Coach popped out while playing Iv'e Had the Time of My Life on a speaker.

"Whoaaaa, you guys? What are you doing here" Jess exclaimed. 

"Here to help celebrate you guys getting engaged! Now less talking and more dancing!" Cece replied.

Jess turned to Nick as he was reaching out his hand. She took it and he pulled her close. Just then rain started pouring down on them. That didn't stop the laughter, as Nick and Jess danced through the rain.

Cece adn Schmidt joined in with them, and the just for the fun of it Winston and Coach started doing the macarena.

So the night didn't go exactly as planned, but it had the same outcome Nick was hoping for. Now all that was left was to plan the wedding.

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