Slow dancing

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Nick sat bored as ever. He was forced to go to this charity gala by Schmidt and did not know what to do. 'Formal attire' was not his thing. Give him an old T-shirt and jeans and he would be good to go.

Where was Jess? She always had his back when it came to these events. They kept each other company and out of boredom. He watched Schmidt approach him.

"Hey man. Where's Jess? Has she arrived yet?" Nick asked.

"Not yet. Her and Cece are on their way. Something about being fashionably late. They'll be here any minute"

Nick just rolled his eyes. What could be taking them so long?

"Ha, girls and their dresses. I mean why do they take forever? It just some gala that-" Nick stopped mid-sentence.

"That...?" Schmidt asked, but then looked at what Nick was staring at.

At the top of the stairs stood Jess and Cece.

Cece wore a black one-shoulder dress that hugged every curve of her body perfectly. It was overlayed with an Indian inspired Henna design overlayed in gold. She wore gold, two-strap heels, and her hair was up in a bun. Needless to say, Schmidt was speechless and drooling.
Nick on the other hand had the expression of awe and love. He stared at Jess. She was wearing a strapless red dress with a high slit. It was fitted throughout the bodice then flared out slightly. There were hints of silver throughout the dress and it outlined the sweetheart neckline. She wore silver strappy heels and her hair was pulled out of her face with some matching diamond accessories.
The two girls looked at each other and laughed, then made their way down to greet their respected boyfriends.
Cece and Schmidt went arm and arm together to go mingle with other guests. Formal attire was right up their alley, with Cece being a model and Schmidt being...Schmidt.
Jess on the other hand was a teacher and Nick, a bartender, 'black tie' was not in their dictionary.
"You look beautiful" Nick complimented.
"You look very handsome, you should wear a suit more often" Jess aid while stroking his tie.
"Well thank you very much" Nick said while bowing.
There was an awkward silence between them until Nick broke it by asking one simple question.
"Want to dance with me?" he motioned towards the dance floor.
Jess looked Nick in the eyes. "I don't know how to dance. And this place does not seem like the place where I can do the chicken dance"
"Who cares what other people think. All I want to do right now is to dance with my girlfriend"Jess blushed and took Nick's hand as he lead her to the dance floor. She put her arms around his neck while he rested at her waist. They swayed to the music staring into each other's eyes.Nick couldn't help but stare at Jess. She was beautiful and he had no idea how lucky he got. How lucky he could be. He loved her giant blue eyes. Her long brunette hair. Her laugh. Her smile.

The two swirled around the dancefloor and eventually, all eyes were on them as everyone else stared at them. Nick did not know where all this came from but every so often he would lift Jess above him and spin her around in the air. While everyone else thought they might've been professional dancers, in reality, they were just having fun and joking around.
At the end of the song, Nick dipped her down, their faces only inches apart. He leaned in and the two kissed, just as everyone started clapping around them.
The two looked up and saw that Schmidt and Cece were clapping the loudest with the biggest smiles on their faces.
Jess then whispered "Let's get out of here. I wanna grab some Chinese food and watch TV at home"
"I couldn't agree more Ms. Day" Nick joked and lead her out of the gala, arm in arm.
When the two arrived back at the loft their eyes met and they both nodded.
"5 minutes. On couch. In PJs. Movie ready" Nick said and ran to his room.
5 minutes later they were in prime cuddling position while eating dumplings. They laughed and joked around together till late at night. At the end of the movie, Nick looked down to see that Jess had fallen asleep on his chest.
He turned off the TV (cause Jess hated wasting electricity), and carried her back to his bed. He set her down gently and tucked her in. Nick got in next to her and kissed her forehead, whispering.
"That's my girl"

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