Reader x Nick

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You wake up to the familiar sound of your alarm blaring from your phone. You reluctantly get dressed to start the day. Then you realize its the weekend and you made plans to see your sister and her friends.

You get dressed into your favorite outfit, a skater skirt with thigh high boots and a turtleneck. With Winter coming around you know how to dress warm and cute (you get that from your older sister Jess).

You go outside where you are confronted by a cold air, it was colder than you thought but you were already running late to meet everyone.

The plan for the day was to meet everyone at the bar for a few drinks, then go back to their apartment.

As you arrive at Nick's bar and open the door the atmosphere immediately changes to a warm friendly room.

"Hey you made it!" 

Jess yelled across the bar and went to hug you.

"Hey sis!"

"Come on, we've been waiting" Jess said pulling you towards the bar.

"Hey Y/N" Cece said.

"Hi Cece"

"What can I get ya?" Nick asked leaning over the bar.

"Oh-uh-can I-ummmm" you blush profusely.

"She'll have a cosmopolitan" Jess said interjecting.

You nod and avoid eye contact with Nick as he creates the cocktail. You then look over at Cece and Jess who were silently laughing.

After a really awkward but fun hang out at the bar the group started the short walk from the bar to the loft.

You notice that the weather got even colder and you start shivering slightly.

"Hey Y/N are you cold?" Nick asked while walking next to you.

"Oh-well-I mean-maybe a little" You stumble over your own words.

"Well then here, have my jacket" Nick said while taking off his jacket to put over your shoulders.

"Wow-uhh-gee, thanks" You say blushing even more.

"I can't decide if your cheeks are red cause of cold or because of-"

"COLD! I mean-it's cold, I'm cold" You say fast.

Nick smiles down at you as you adjust the jacket on your shoulders.

As time went on you and everyone else eventually arrive at the loft again.

"All right who wants to go against the great Winnie the Bish?!" Winston yelled and set up the video game on the TV.

You and Nick both immediately raise your hands and walk to the couch to start playing Super Smash Bro's. 3 minutes later after the first match you raise your hands in triumph.

"Okay, okay, I want a rematch" Winston said.

"Me too" Nick piped up.

"Sure boys, whatever you want" you say and sit back down.

You bump the coffee table that your game controller was resting on, causing it to fall to the ground.

"I'll get it"

Both you and Nick say at the same time.Both of you bend down to grab it and your hands end up grabbing each other. You both look into each others eyes longingly, that is until Nick's grip tightens slightly and brings you back to reality.

"Oh uh-HAHAHAHAH YOU'RE SO FUNNY" You yell randomly and run to Jess's room

I shut the door behind you and try to process what happened. 

Then the door opened revealing Nick.

"Uhh what happened back there?" Nick asked.

"Nothing? What are you talking about?" You say.

"That's it. Ever since I first met you, you have always either stammered or are really cold cause your face is also red".

"It's not that it's-""It's what? What did I do to you?"

"It's cause I LIKE YOU!" You yell followed by the deepest blush of your life.

"You like me? Me as in Nick Miller me?" Nick said confused.

"I get if you don't like me back" You say.

"Whaaaaat who said that?" Nick said looking around. "Y/N I like you too, like a lot".

He takes a step forward towards you and puts his hands on your shoulders. 

He leans down and kisses you. As he pulls away you look deep into his eyes, then grabs his shirt and pulls it back to you for a more powerful kiss.

Just as things were getting interesting, you were interrupted by the rest of the loft.


"Shipping?" You say.

"Jar Schmidt, 10$!"

Thanks for requesting this Gpiggy20

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