Proposal pt 1

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Alternate way Nick could've proposed

Nick paced back and fourth in his room. He was going to propose to Jess and he was going to propose TONIGHT.

He had everything planned down to a tee. The night would start with dinner at the restaurant they had their first date.

Then they would walk around the park where Jess crashed some kids birthday party.

They would then go to the movies, the same movie theater that Nick showed Jess her birthday video.

The night would end with slow dancing under the stars while I've Had the Time of My Life played in the background.

Winston, Coach, Schmidt, and Cece would then pop out and they would all cheers with the best champagne (that Nick could find at the bar)

Nick stood in his room adjusting his tie nervously when his door opened. It was Cece.

"Hey Cece what's going on? Really great me too! Now don't be nervous cause i'm not nervous. Nope not good ol Nick Miller-"

"NICK! Calm down. It's gonna be great and it's okay to be nervous. I just came in here to say good luck. Just have fun tonight okay? It's gonna be a night you'll never forget"

At that Cece left the room and left a nervous Nick to replay the plan over and over in his head.

Nick stood behind Jess's door, reaching his hand out to knock and quickly retracting it.

"Come on! She's your girlfriend. You've gone on thousands of dates before. JUST KNOCK" He thought to himself.

Nick built up the courage and knocked on Jess's door.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Jess's soft voice came through the door.

Jess opened the door and stood in the doorway wearing a navy blue strapless skater dress and brown heels. NIck was in awe.

"Wow, Jess...ica, you look great. I mean you always look great but today you look..." *insert finger guns*

"Awww, thanks Nick! Ready to go?"

Nick put his arm out and lead Jess out of the loft. All he had to do was get through the night without any hiccups.

What could go wrong?

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