KOTLC Reacts to: Bam Socker!!!!

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Keefe: What's a Bam So- Oh. *starts laughing hysterically* Hahaha!! Happy Birthday Tam hahahahaha

Sophie: Tam, you- you- okay. Sorry, Tam. You probably will deny this. But we gotta do what we gotta do.

Tam: Bam Socker? Is that some kind of pickle? What even is a pickle? I just heard some Forbidden Cities people talking about it at a place with this giant yellow M on the roof. They were telling a guy wearing a ridiculously big hat not to put it in their booger.

Me: First things first. It's a burger not a booger. Second, Bam Socker is a- *gets cut off by Keefe*

Keefe: Ah ah ah. Don't tell that idiot. Let him figure out on his own. *claps hand* Let's play Guess What! Okay, Tammy. It's your turn to guess what Bam Socker is. You have 5 tries, and if you don't guess it right, oh well. Then you shall be a certified dummy. If you do guess it, then good job. We are only allowed to give you no more than 2 clues. Okay, ready? Let's start!!

Tam: Uhhh....Clue. Please?

Keefe: It's very obnoxious. I mean, the NAME, people!! "Socker" reminds me of all the socks I had to smell during last year's annual campout. (A/n: don't ask, there will be another campout, 'cause as I said, it's ANNUAL)

Tam: About the 'obnoxious' part, um... just a guess, but is it you?

Keefe: *acts very shocked and hurt*
What?! Me?! How dare you!! Nobody gets away with insulting The Hair!! Get over here, lemme teach you some respect!!

Tam: *runs away, forever and ever, never to be seen again, just kidding)

Keefe: *chases after him*


Sorry, that was mostly Keefe and Tam fighting. There will be a part two and three, because I'm feeling like it.😎

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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