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"Little sis Avery," Griffin said.

"Big bro Griff," I smiled and he held his hand out which I shook.

"Yo, we're about to head to Hype. You two coming?" Noah asked and we nodded. I followed them and was quiet the whole time. I still wasn't comfortable with the others like I was with Griffin and Quinton. We went to the Hype House and no one bothered to introduce me.

"I-I'll be in my room if someone wants to come with me," Chase said and stared at me with narrowed eyes. I ignored him and he threw a block of ice at me.

"Dude," Bryce said.

"We're going places," Chase grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his room. I hugged him and smiled. "I missed you," he kissed my cheek and held me. Chase and I had only met online and once at Vidcon. But we instantly became close after we shared our obsession of Capri-Suns.

"I missed you, Chase," I pulled away. We cuddled and watched movies until the Sway boys came in. Chase was being big spoon and I had my legs hanging over his.

"It's time to go," Josh said and I got up.

"Wait," Chase gave me a hug, gave me a Capri-Sun, kissed my cheek, and let me leave. I drank the Capri-sun on the way home and went to my room, changing for the night.

"How do you know Chase?" Bryce yelled at me as I got to the living room.

"Why are you on speaking terms with him?" Josh yelled louder.

"Leave her alone," Quinton said and pulled me away. He took me to the music room and we lounged around. "But how do you know Chase?"

"I met him at Vidcon. We like Capri-Suns," I smiled.

"Oh. So you guys ever date?"

"No! We're just friends. He was actually my first guy friend." Quinton nodded and looked back at his phone. His platinum blonde hair fell on his face giving him a cute look. "I'm gonna go sleep. I'll see you tomorrow," I got up.

"Yeah. Night," Quinton said and I slept. Griffin jumped on me in the morning and I glared at him.

"Jeez. Not a morning person?" He asked with a laugh and I sighed.

"I am. I just hate being woken up," I said.

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind. I gotta go pick someone up." He left and I got ready. I looked cute and went down.

"Hey," the boys said and I waved. I sat with Quinton and he flashed a quick smile. We ordered Postmates for breakfast and I sat in my room, going live.

"What am I eating?" I asked. "Waffles. 'I love you.' Aww, love you too. What do you guys want me to do? I'll show you my new shoes." I showed them and put my hood on. I stayed live for an hour and then ended. I went down and went to Quinton.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I wanna go shopping," I said.

"Let's take the others."


Bryce, Jaden, Blake, and Josh joined and we took an Uber to the mall.

"Are we just shopping for you or can we drag you places too?" Jaden asked.

"Yeah, you can take me wherever," I shrugged.

"Oh, look who's talking," Blake joked.

"I can stop."

"Don't," Bryce said. "You're how old again?"


"Spencers, here we come." I snickered and Quinton looked serious. "Kidding." We went to Gucci, Louis, Chanel, and more places then got lunch at the food court before doing more shopping. We got home and Griffin was hanging out with a girl. We all left them alone and I put all my new clothes and accessories away.

"Bryce said you talked," Noah walked in.

"Mh-Hm. I guess I'm okay with you guys," I said.

"Great," Kio smiled. "We're gonna hang out in Quinton's room. Wanna join?"

"Sure." I followed them and saw Quinton's room was huge. We hung out and the boys were blaring music as I twirled in the chair.

"Avery, my live says you're making them dizzy," Bryce said and I rammed my chair into him with a smile. "Ow! Shit!" He bounced away.

"What's up, guys? This is my live now," I smiled and read comments. "'What is your Insta?' I'll type it here." I sent it and people started following me. Griffin walked in and kissed the top of my head, hugging me. "Hi," I smiled up at him and played with his hand. "'How is Chase?' He's fine. 'Go live.' I will later. After dinner."

"Move!" Bryce pushed me away and Kio stopped my chair from ramming into the wall. I crossed my legs and he pushed me back to Bryce. "Ooh!" Bryce spun me over 15 times and I was super dizzy. "Get up and walk." I stood and took a step before just falling flat on the floor. I stayed there, laying on my stomach. Everyone laughed and I rolled onto my back.

"Ow!" I laughed. Griffin lifted me and set me on his back. I stopped feeling dizzy and opened Quinton's mini-fridge. "Can I have a red bull?"

"Yeah," he said and I took one. I sat next to him and finished the drink. I got up and he grabbed my wrist. "Where are you going?" He whispered so only the two of us could hear.

"To my room." I walked out and he quickly followed. "What?" I smiled.

"Nothing. I don't wanna hang out with them at the moment," he shrugged and we locked the door to my room. "Wanna make a TikTok?"

"Sure." We danced to Kolors and he messed up a million times.

"Ahh! I can't get this," he messed up again. "Can you go over it again?"

"Mh-Hm. Yeah. Sure," I laughed and went over the steps. He finally got it and we watched it.

"What's your at?" He asked and tagged me. We made a TikTok on my account and people commented ship on both videos. We both ignored it and went about our thing.

Little Sister?: Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now