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"Can I come with you? I have nothing better to do?" Chase put his arm around me and I leaned onto him.

"Yeah," I said.

"By the way, Karissa and Marlena are coming over later." Everyone went to the roof and most of the guys got in the pool. Alex, Patrick, Calvin, Chase, and I went car shopping and I ended up buying a Tesla. It was really cool and Patty wanted to drive it back so I let him. We parked in the garage and went back to the roof. Quinton was sitting alone by the edge and I went over.

"Hey," I whispered and sat with him.

"Hey," Quin held his hand out, palm up, and I set my and in his. He smiled and gave my hand a little squeeze. "You have fun car shopping?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Lonely, but fine."

"I'm here. You wanna talk about something?"

"Would it be too early to ask if you wanted to go on a trip with me?"

"Where to?"

"My parents' place. In Canad."

We ended up going later that week and his parents were super nice.

"Are you okay with sleeping in the same bed?" Quin asked me.

"If you are, I'm fine," I smiled. He took me to his old room and it was neat thanks to his mom cleaning it all the time.

"Let's go drive around in a golf cart," Quinton simply stated.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because it would be fun," Quin smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.

"Okay. Fine. Sure." We got a golf cart and Quin decided to let me drive around the neighborhood. Of course I nearly hit 5 people, but that's okay... We were out until late and sat by a lake. We took Instagram pics together and it was really cool since the sun hit perfectly. After we got back, Quin's mom served dinner which was a salad, mashed potatoes, and McDonalds chicken nuggets. I was eating and it was all really quiet until Quinton took a nugget from me.

"Quinton," his mom said. "Let to poor girl eat. She's so thin and deserves to eat."

"She's fine," Quin shrugged and I smiled. We continued eating and I took my plate to the sink. Quinton met me there with his own plate and kissed me. "You should go get ready for the night."

"Okay," I nodded and went upstairs. He joined me soon and I changed into a simple hoodie and Adidas shorts. As we lied down, his parents walked in and saw us cuddled together.

"How cute," his mom said.

"Do you two need anything?" Quinton's dad asked.

"No. We're good," Quinton put his leg over me and kissed my forehead. They left and shut the door. Quinton stared into my eyes and I blushed.

"What?" I asked.

"You're cute. That's all. My girlfriend is absolutely adorable and cute." I bit my lip and rested my forehead against his chest. I closed my eyes and slept.

In the morning, Quinton's friend came over and we all hung out. They played video games and I just sat on the bed, sipping my Starbucks. I didn't want to get in the boys' way and Quinton's mom walked in.

"Quinton, you know your girlfriend is there too, right?" She asked.

"It's fine," I shrugged.

"She's fine," Quinton kept playing and his mom motioned me to follow her. She was really young and super pretty.

"How about we go get our hair and nails done?" She asked.

"Sure. Are you going to question me about Quinton?" I asked with a smile.

"Some questions. But we'll have some girls fun." I got highlights and cute pink nails while his mom got her roots dyed and blue nails. "Patrick likes when I keep my natural hair. But it's just my thing to dye it," his mom said.

"Same," I smiled. "You look gorgeous either way."

"You're so sweet. No wonder Q likes you. Have you said you love each other yet?" She whispered.

"No. Not yet."

"He'll say it sometime soon. I see the look in his eyes when he looks at you." I smiled and she asked more questions like how long Quin and I had been together for, how old I was, and we got to know each other better. She had me ignore Quin the entire day, so I did. "I promise, it always leaves guys wanting you."

"The thing is... I wanna hang out with him, but he has friends here and I don't want to hold him back from hanging out with them. Because in LA, he and I can hang out anytime. I just wish I could go see some big place like Toronto."

"Yeah. Boys and their video games. You should teach him a lesson. Ignore him for an entire day and he'll know how it feels. It sounds mean, but he deserves it. You came out here with him just for him. He should appreciate that."

"Thanks," I smiled. "You're amazing." She smiled and we hung out until night. She took me shopping and weended up buying gifts for each other. We got back to the house and set the bags to the side. Quin ran to me and jumped on me, hugging me.

"I missed you. You didn't answer my calls or texts and I was worried," he pouted.

"I thought you were busy playing with your friend," I stated and let go of him.

"Is that what this is about?" Quin asked.

"Mh-Hm." I took the bags up.

"I'm sorry. It's not a big deal. I'll hang out with you more often," Quin followed me and I set the bags down. "Ave... Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. I could never be mad at you, Quin," I said and he kissed me.

"I missed you. Now give me cuddles."

"Let me get ready for the night first, babe."

"Okie!" He bounced and sat on the bed. I changed in the bathroom and took my thin layer of makeup off. "Hurry!"

"Quin! I'm coming. Wait," I laughed and went over.

Little Sister?: Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now