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"Sorry," he mouthed and smiled.

"I hate you," I sat and read comments. "'Where are you?' At the Hype House. I live here now. 'I want to marry Tayler.' Let's go find him." I took the phone and walked to Tayler's room, knocking. Nate opened it and I moved the live away. "Where's Tayler?" I whispered.

"He's in his studio," he said and I walked off. I knocked on the door and he opened it.

"I'm live and they wanted to see you." He took my phone and shut the door in my face. I walked to the roof and hung out with Nick and Ryland since the other girls all had boyfriends. Night came and we were all around the house when the lights went off. I came up with an idea and walked out of Chase's room. "I have content for you," I whispered to Alex. "Where is Michael?"

"With the others downstairs. Why?" Alex asked, starting to film.

"I'm gonna scare him." I got in a back bend and walked downstairs like that. I found Michael and he screamed. I chased him until he Venmoed me 100 bucks to stop.

"Can you twist?" Tony asked me and I did. Everyone freaked out as my feet went to face my hands and my hands faced my feet. They all gagged and I went back to Chase's room. I was live and walked in to have Chase scare me. I screamed and stood as my heart punded.

"I'm done," I ended the live and tackled Chase.

A week passed and Chase got back on social media. He took the risk and told the fans that he said sorry to everyone, but people kept asking if I was okay with him. He said I was and left it at that. People thought that I had cheated on Quinton, but I wasn't sure what swas going on between us. One day, I was sitting on the bed, cuddling with Nick when Sway walked in.

"We'll be nice," Jaden said and Nick left.

"Are you scared of us?" Bryce and I nodded.

"We're sorry. I was rude and I never meant any of what I said," Jaden said and I watched him.

"I'm sorry for mocking you," Josh added.

"I'm sorry for acting like I was gonna hurt you," Bryce said.

"I'm sorry for being forceful with you," Blake said.

"I'm sorry for not being the brother I was supposed to be," Griffin sighed.

"I'm sorry for not being the boyfriend I was supposed to be," Quinton tried.

"We're sorry for not doing anything," Noah talked about him and Anthony. I stayed quiet and debated.

"Still scared?" Griffin asked and I motioned only a little. "We'll be out on the roof." They left and I walked up and Kelianne pulled me to Nate and Tayler.

"Do you know how to backflip?" She asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. She had Tayler and Nate make a basket with their hands and made a TikTok of this. I got on their hands and Kelianne cleared the are behind us. Everyone was watching and filming us.

"Ow! Your shoes hurt!" Tayer said.

"So, down, up and throw. Backflip off," Kelianne directed to us.

"Whatever you do, don't throw me straight up," I told them. I was thrown back and I backflipped, landing perfectly fine.

"Holy... shit," Tayler said and people were still staring at us.

"Do more tricks," Chase said and shook me.

"We can do one that I usually do with them at our old apartment," Kelianne said.

"That hurts my shoulders!" Tayler said and pulled me. He got in position and I climbed on his leg, getting on his shoulders. Nate grabbed my shoulders and Tayler set his hands on Nate's shoulder. I did a handstand and split my legs. I got off and everyone went about their thing, but Sway kept watching me in a creepy way. Lauren, Kelianne, and I set up for a TikTok and were dancing to TKN and Lauren posted it. We were doing it on Kelianne's and finished just as Patrick shot me with a nerf dart.

"Ow!" I stared at him then looked back to the girls.

"Wait, we're filming for a YouTube video. Can we try something on you?" Partick asked and I nodded.

"Stand right here," Calvin positioned me and Patrick walked over with a vacuum. They set up the camera and walked over to me, pulling the hair tie out of my hair. Calvin put the hair tie on the vacuum and started it. They collected my hair in it and put the hair tie on me. They stopped the camera and I stared at them. They put it on Alex's head and wouldn't let him move.

"I got him!" Partick yelled and Alex was laughing.

"Paper!" He yelled. Paper walked over and rocked Calvin's shit. Everyone but Sway was laughing and Tayler went live. I bounced over and hugged him around the neck.

"Ship? No!" Tayler yelled.

"What?" Nate asked.

"They're trying to ship Avery and me. That's some illegal shit right there." I snickered and he hit my forehead.

"What's up with everyone hitting me?" I asked and stood straight. Chase came over and leaned into my ear so I could hear.

"Are you comfortable with them here?" He whispered and I shrugged. "Do you wanna go back to the room? I'm about to go back."

"Wait, no. I'm hungry," I muttered.

"I can order Postmates for you."


"We'll order from our room." He took my hand and pulled me quickly. We passed the Sway boys who watched with hatred. I ordered Burger King since I was in the mood and Chase ended up eating half. We just hung out for a few hours then Alex walked in.

"We're all going to Boa Steakhouse. You two coming?" He asked.

"Yeah," Chase said and we both got dressed. He had on a formal black dress shirt which was tucked into black dress pants. I had on a cute black skirt that was high waisted and had on one of Chase's crop hoodies from his merch store. We went in Tony's car and had reserved the whole restaurant for us and Sway. I was sitting with Michael, Ryland, Nick, Patrick, and Calvin when Thomas came over.

"All 6 of you drink?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"$10,000. Whoever doesn't drink for the rest of the month gets that much."

"Okay. Deal," the boys said and I nodded.

"Sorry, you can't have this tonight," Thomas took a drink from Michael who got laughed at.

"I'm gonna win," I told the boys.

"Nope," they said. We all went to leave and Hollywood fix came to approach us. Chase quickly sat in the car, but the rest of us got interviewed. I was standing with Tayler and Kelianne and we had cameras in our faces.

"So, Tayler, the fans wanna know. Is it Kayler or Tavery?" The guy asked.

"I have a boyfriend," Kelianne smiled. "Chase Mattson."

"And Quinton said you and him weren't dating. So it there something with you and Tayler?" I was asked.

Little Sister?: Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now