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I knew he was mad because he didn't say anything even when we got home.

"Quinton... Why are you mad?" I asked, standing at his room door.

"Because I'm supposed to be the one getting you nice things! You're not supposed to be buying me stuff," he complained and I went over.

"You're my boyfriend. I'm gonna buy you stuff you want. And you don't have to make up for anything."

"I feel bad!"

"Don't." He sat at his desk and went live for the first time in forever. I joined him and he calmed down a bit. "'Quinton is a(n) (put a word here).' Ass," I stated and forgot I said it out loud. I looked at him and got up.

"Come here," he said and I went over. He slapped my arm really hard and I stared at him.

"Oh, my God! It's turning red!" I pouted and sat on his bed.

A week went by and I woke late. Griffin had come back and didn't know about Quinton and I. I went down and Quinton looked at me.

"I'm live," he said and I bounced over.

"Hi!" I bent over, hugging Quinton around the neck.

"'Dance.'" We went to do one and I messed up. Quinton went to lightly slap me across the face, but it was really hard and there was a slapping noise. I felt tears well up in my eyes and walked off. I knew he didn't mean it so I wasn't mad. I hung out in my room and TikTok room posted Quinton hitting me twice. Griffin walked in and looked at my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. He didn't mean it, Griff. Don't grill him about this."

"I won't if you tell me not to. I just wanted to check on you."

"Griff? Will you get mad if I tell you something?"

"Is it that you're dating Quinton? Because I expected it. I'm controlling and I should let you live your life. It's just that... I don't want you to go through heartbreak." I hugged him and there was a knock on the door.

"Avery?" Quinton asked and I looked at him.

"I'll see you later," Grifin kissed my temple and walked out.


"Quinton... It's fine," I held my hand out and he took it. "Griffin knows we're dating." I kissed him and he sat.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Cuddle with me," I hugged him and he held me. We stayed like that for a while and I felt hungry. "Can we get Burger King?"

"Yeah." We took Griffin's car and got drive thru. "Anything else?" Quinton asked me and I was going live.

"Small fries," I said, not wanting to seem like a pig.

"And large fries," Quinton said and I started crying. We drove to wait and he saw me. "What?"

"You're the best!" I said, wiping my eyes.

"Is this that thing where girls will marry any dude if they get them food?"

"Yeah." He smiled and hugged me, sideways. We ate and I ended the live. We ate in the parking lot and Quinton went to take a fry. He dipped it in ketchup and I watched him.

"Was I not allowed to take a fry?" He asked.

"Freak," I said.

"What did I do?"

"Who dips their fries in ketchup anymore?"


"Exactly." He took a ketchup fry and shoved it into my mouth.

"Chew!" He ordered and I swallowed it.

"Plain is better," I shook my head and he rolled his eyes.

"We are like... total opposites. You're the fry and I'm the ketchup."

"Why? Am I fat like a fry?"

"No! Fine, I'm the fry, you're the ketchup."

"Oh, that's so nice of you," I said sarcastically. "You know I hate ketchup so you make me the ketchup?"

"Ave... You're the jelly and I'm the peanut butter, okay? You're the jelly because you're sweet and everyone looks forward to you."

"Aww! That's adorable!" I kissed his cheek and he stared at me. "Hm?"

"Are you gonna..." He made a kissy noise twice and I pecked him on the lips. He smiled and drove back to Sway. Bryce, Josh, Jaden, and Nick Bean were filming a YouTube video and Griffin had been picked up by the NELK boys. Quinton never was in their YouTube videos and always tried to avoid it. I did too since I hated being filmed. We went to Quinton's room and we laid down on the bed. He threw is opposite arm over my torso and rested his head on my shoulder. He kissed my neck and I pet his head by sliding my arm under his head. He hummed and I felt him close his eyes.

"Are you tired?" I asked and smiled.

"I'm always tired after eating food," he whispered so he wasn't yelling in my ear.

"Okay." I let him sleep as I got a text. It was from Chase, so I checked it out.

C: Hey!

Me: Hi

C: Wyd?

Me: Quinton fell asleep on me and I can't move.

C: lmaooo. He's lucky. You're perfect for each other.

Me: ???

C: Welcome to the wedding of Avery Johnson and Quinton Griggs...

Me: Chase!

C: lol. Anyways, just wanted to check on you. We haven't talked in a while.

Me: Yeah. I'm good. You?

C: Good. Well, I have to go hide in my dungeon. I'll text you later.

Me: Bye!

C: Bye!

I was getting really uncomfortable under Quinton and moved my shoulder, adjusting. Thank God he didn't wake up and make a huge fuss out of it. He woke an hour later when he twitched. He was panting and his heartbeat was fast.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I had to pee. And there wasn't a bathroom. So I went behind a tree and a homeless man chased me. I have to pee," Quinton jumped over me and ran into his bathroom. I snickered as he came out and he splashed water onto me. "You better hope that's water and not my piss, Ave."

"I have a nickname for you. I've wanted to call you it."

"Then do it."

"Quin. I mean, it's pretty basic but i don't know. What do you think?"

"Sure," he chuckled and cupped my face, kissing my forehead.

"I've never had a nickname before. I've always been just Avery. I like it," I smiled. "Did you know that you're my first kiss?"

"Seriously?" He smiled and sat on my lap.

"Mh-Hm. First kiss, first boyfriend..."

"You're my... fourth girlfriend. I'm just 16 so it's, like, new to me. And I'm unsure of myself. This is just high school and then there's still college and real life."

"I get it. You don't know if anyone you're with now will ever be with you for the rest of your life."

"I hate saying that because it usually makes girls mad," he sighed.

"I'm not getting mad," I took his hand.

Little Sister?: Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now