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"I'm 16, he's 22. That's illegal. So, no, I'm not dating Tayler," I said. We got back and Quinton wanted to talk. He pulled me into a room and I watched him.

"I heard him say that I said we weren't dating. I'm not sure if we are. I wanted to ask you," Quinton said.

"I was gonna ask you."

"Because... you left. And I didn't know if we ended things..."

"I left for a reason. And I'm not moving back. I'm happy here. I do miss you, Quin."

"I miss you too. So tell me what we are."

"I don't know what we are. You have to tell me because I want you to make the decision."

"I want us to be together, Ave. But we live in different houses and you hate the others," Quinton sighed.

"I never said I hated them. Just... I sound like I'm looking for pity! I was bullied, okay? I don't like when people yell at me. I hate it! And that's exactly what Jaden did. And I thought if I moved to LA, I wouldn't have to deal with threats anymore and I wouldn't get beat up. But Bryce goes on acting like he's gonna hurt me and Jaden thinks it's okay to tell me he'd beat me up over something I didn't even know happened. So thanks, but I'm staying here," I vented.

"Ave... They don't mean it. It was all out of anger and it wasn't right. They admitted it, too."

"That's the thing. Anger." Quinton sighed and hugged me.

"Tell me we're still together, Ave. Please."

"I guess." He pulled away and kissed me.

"I miss you, so much." I nodded and he smiled. "So you'll talk to me then..." I snickered and turned to leave. I opened the door and there were Bryce and Jaden listening in with tears. Bryce suddenly hugged me and just sobbed. I looked at Quinton not knowing what to do and he shrugged.

"We're sorry. We-We didn't know what you had gone through a-and we were inconsiderate," Jaden said.

"And I know I d-don't do the whole sorry thing, but I am and it was ne-never okay for us to do any of those things," Bryce wiped his eyes.

"It's-It's okay..." I said. They both hugged me and walked off to the others after calming down. "I admit... that was the weirdest moment of my life." Quinton laughed and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you around, Quin." He nodded and I went to the room to sleep. I collapsed on Chase and he pet my back. I ended up sleeping and he joined me soon enough.

The next morning, it was Griffin's turn to talk to me.

"Bryce, Quinton, and Jaden untold me about what happened last night. I've said my sorries, but I didn't know the whole story behind you being you. I should have asked about it and I didn't make an effort. So I'm sorry again," Griffin said.

"It's okay," I said. Even the others talked then all of them came in at once. They stood at the foot of the bed awkwardly and I watched them. "We're good now. I don't know why you're here."

"We wanna know what you're okay with. Like, physical contact," Blake said.

"No slapping obviously, don't grab my wrist and pull me, never tackle me... those are the main ones. Also, don't slam doors open or shut because it will scare the shit out of me." Just then, the door slammed open and I looked over to see Patty and Calvin in a cardboard box that was drawn to look like a car.

"Get in, bitches, we're going shopping," Calvin said and I threw a pencil at the box. It got stuck in the side and a hole was left. "Hey!" He got out of the box and tackled me, shoving me off the bed.

"Ow!" I landed on the floor and kneed him in the dick.

"Oh, shit!" He yelled and I got up.

"We came to ask you to do a skit for us," Patty dropped the box and leaned over the bed to whisper in my ear. "It's for Alex's vlog and you'll be performing with Calvin. We'll each pay 1/4th of the car you want."

"I'll do it," I nodded and they had Sway go to the living room. Calvin didn't want Patrick to know what we would do, so he made Patty leave. It was just 2 seconds and we went to the living room. I slid in with sock and stopped perfectly whereas Calvin slid in and fell, kicking my legs and knocking me over. I hit the piano before landing on the floor and Patty started laughing.

"My ass hurts," Calvin stated.

"Whose fucking dog took a shit on the floor 3 inches from where I fell?" I got up and sat that Calvin had landed in half of it.

"Fuck!" Calvin yelled and ran trying to get a tissue to wipe it off his ass. We all couldn't stop laughing and Calvin grabbed a soccer ball, chucking it at Patty. It bounced off his forehead and hit mine. The three of us couldn't stop laughing and Chase had to hold me up so I didn't fall again. I sat with him and he had me save his spot. He came back with something behind his back.

"I went to Ralphs yesterday and you know how Nick's think is Teddy bears? Well, I know you like tiny things and chickens, so here," he handed me a mini squishmallow and I held it.

"I went to Ralphs yesterday and you know how Nick's think is Teddy bears? Well, I know you like tiny things and chickens, so here," he handed me a mini squishmallow and I held it

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"I love it," I stated and he smiled sitting down.

"So... What are we doing today?" Ondreaz asked.

"Alex, Patty, and Calvin are taking me car shopping," I said.

"Seriously?" Griffin asked.

"Yeah. We're each paying 1/4th of whatever car she chooses," Alex said.

"I'm broke!" Calvin stated. "Or at least I will be when we finish buying the car. Can I at leas drive it?"

"No!" I said.

Little Sister?: Quinton GriggsWhere stories live. Discover now