Did he leave?
Oh yes, he left!
He really did.
And I couldn't even get to steal mom's s number from his phone

I was a bit wary at first; being alone in this strange house without dad, but it wasn't too bad for the first two days.
I barely saw Sally and there was always takeout on the table by four pm.
So I couldn't say it was too bad.
My phone was still busted though and I still couldn't figure out what happened to it. It seemed to be fine earlier.


It had been three days now and I was getting antsy. I felt a walk would do me and SJ some good, we'd been indoors ever since.

I caught a glimpse of Sally before she entered her room. "Hey, uh.. SJ and I will be going for a walk later today. We'll be out for a while."

She smiled "sure, be safe"

I had to hand it to her though. She had a pretty smile. Mom used to say that dad was a sucker for a sweet smile.

Sucker for a sweet smile, how about you say that five times fast.

Anyway, I was a tad bit excited about the fact that at least we could get out of this place today.
I planned on going to the park where I met Cole. Maybe he would be there again.

I made sure SJ wore a pullover on top of her sundress, just in case she got cold later in the day . I vaguely heard Sally on the phone as I passed by" yes, 7pm will be perfect"

Whatever. I didn't want to know what her plans were.

Soon we were out and enjoying fresh air. I swung SJs hand as we walked down the street. We were at the park in about 15 minutes. It seems my navigational skills had improved greatly. I let SJ go and watched her closely as she played with the other little kids. I'm glad I brought her out as well

"well, look who's squinting again"
I smiled and looked up at Cole. "haha Mr. Perfect." he laughed and passed his fingers though his hair and sat down. I tried not to stare at his eyes again like an idiot.
" so what brings you here Anna- be.."
I scowled at him

I shrugged. " tired of being cooped inside. Brought my sister too" I pointed to SJ in the distance.

Cole turned swiftly " a tiny Annaliese, cool"

Soon she came running to us and he and her got acquainted. It was pretty cute watching them actually.

He got up soon after. "I've got to go do something for my gran, wanna meet her?"

I hesitated for a bit.
"she's making cookies"

We were soon on our way.

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