Chapter 4

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//Happy new year guys! Have a rad year!//

The day had gone by slow and boring, I was in anticipation to find out what Gerard wanted to ask, I had been bugging him most of Art, Music and Math. I only got the same response "You'll find out later" and with a smirk each time. That teasing bastard. My thoughts being interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell. I packed away my stuff and made my way out of the class. I made my way down to the music block where Gerard and I planned to meet up. Upon arriving, I walked through the doors and into the studio that we hired out for the day. I saw Gerard sitting on the floor with a book, but once he was aware I was there, he shut it seemingly embarrassed by it. I cocked my head in a way I had been told by my mom as adorable, I only did it if I wanted something or was confused at someones actions. But I just helped him up and we headed to my house. Upon arriving, I opened the door quietly noticing Pumpkin, one of my 3 dogs, lift his head to look at us, he ran over to lept up on me, slobbering everywhere in the process. I heard the beautiful sound of Gerards laugh. I smiled back at him and introdced him "Gerard this is Pumpkin, Pumpkin this is Gerard." I said grinning feeling like I was introducing my boyfriend to my parent. Pumpkin jumped off of me and walked to sit infront of Gerard, holding his paw up to shake. Gerard gladly shook it and smirked "You taught him well then." "I try." I replied scratching Pumpkins head. I looked around the corner and saw mum sitting on the lazy boy chair watching us with a Robin Williams movie playing, she also had about 5 boxes of pizza sitting on the table in front of the couch. Mum was smiling at me, which caused me to smile back, seeing her happy made me happy. I managed to drag Gerard away from Pumpkin to the couch so we could sit and eat pizza and watch the movie with mum. 
Around an hour or two later, and a few questions from mum about our relationship, Gerard asked if he could speak to my mum in private. I didnt mind, although I thought it was weird, I let it slide and pulled my phone out of my pocket. A few minutes and Gerard and my mum both came back out, mum was grinning and Gerard was blushing, which caused me to cock my head, causing Gerard to blush even more. I was suddenly faced with Gerard sitting next to me on the couch very serious. Woah this kid can handle his feelings well. "Frank..." He started, I nodded "Yes?" I was now paying full attention, getting the feeling something hes going to say is going to change my life...

//Yay shit cliffhangers. Okay sorry its short, but Im really tired and I adventured out of the house today so the made me even more tired... I may be able to make the next chapter tomorrow... if not it will be the day after. Bia guys! Thanks for reading I really didnt think this would go anywhere...Love you all and Goodnight! -Sophie//

//Casually edits in the song thing I keep forgetting to do XD
Song: For The Lost And Brave
By: Ray Toro//

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