Chapter 2

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I walk into the horrid building, taking in my surroundings. I pull the piece of paper out of my pocket seeing I have group class first. I sigh making my way down the halls to the class. Upon entering the class my eyes instantly found their way to a red haired boy, sitting in the very back corner with no one next to him. I introduce myself to the teacher "uh.. Hi? I'm new. My names Frank Iero?" I didn't realize how unsure I sounded at first, but the teacher just looked at me with a warm smile and introduced herself "Hello, Frank, I'm miss Harris, I'll be your group class teacher, you just come here every morning for attendance call and the notices. Go take a seat where ever. But watch Gerard, he may not want you next to him" She stated pointing to the red haired boy. I just nodded and walked towards the boy I found was Gerard. "May I sit here?" I kindly asked the boy. He glanced up at me and I swear I saw him blush before looking back down and mumbling a "Oh...Yeah sure." I shrugged it off, thinking I was just seeing things, so I just sat next to him thinking whether or not to introduce myself. "Um hi, I'm Frank, Frank Iero". "Oh um I'm Gerard, Gerard Way." We hesitantly shook hands and I'm sure I saw a blush, upon looking at his face. I only now realized how attractive he is. Oh, yeah, I'm bi. In-case you didn't know. "So, uh Frank, what class do you have?" I could practically feel the teacher watching me in amazement. "I've got uhh-" I quickly checked what I had "Art...You?" I asked to be polite. "Oh wow, I've got art too. What class? I'm in art 2" Gerard asked and stated. I noticed he was starting to get more comfortable and noticed how he looked at your eyes when he talks "I'm in...-" Quick check so I don't make myself look stupid- "Art 2 what work have you been doing in there?" I asked. "Oh, just sketching whatever we want. I could show you around the school after art? I really don't want to miss Art or Music and I have music last so I can always help you until then." Gerard said. "Hey I have music last too. and that would be rad." We both smiled at each other. "So, uh Gerard, do you mind if I hang out with you at lunch or interval?" I asked just waiting to be denied. "Yeah that would be awesome, we hang out in the music room. And don't worry about there being a lot of people, its just Ray, Mikey, my brother, and Bob." He said with a warm smile. "Well thank you Gerard." I said as the bell rang for the first class. "well we better head to the other side of the school, have class and then see if I can show you around." Gerard said with a toothy smile. I chuckled "Allons-y!". "You're a whovian?!" He asked shocked. "Of course I am! David Tennant's hot." I said blushing. I noticed Gerard looked at me with a smirk "Are you...?" He started knowing I knew what he meant. "No, Bi" I replied looking down "Don't hate me" I muttered. "How could I hate you? That would make me a hypocrite " He said with a smirk "I'm a gay-man myself." I looked up at him with a smirk "And you don't care telling that to someone you literally just met?". "Nah, why do you think I sit alone? People don't like me because I'm gay and I don't care. Plus you're kinda cute, so I feel I can trust you." He stated. I felt my face heat up at his statement. We entered the class and I could feel everyone looking at me. "Gay boy got a boyfriend isn't that cute." Said a blonde haired boy from the back of the class "Shut up Bob, just because you cant find anyone" Gerard retorted. "Oh that's Bob, hes pretty much a brother to me. He's gay too so make all the gay jokes you want." He said with a smile looking back at me, leading me to the back.
The lesson flew by, it was mostly Bob, Gerard and I joking about random stuff that came to our heads. But now Gerard and I were heading to the principal to see if he can give me a tour of the school for the day making sure I knew where everything was. They allowed so he began, "Okay so that was the principal, just go to him if you really need something other wise go to the deans or guidance councilors, Where too next?" He asked me. "Uh, I wanna see what the music blocks like.." I replied, to which Gerard looked like he was thinking. "Mikey and Ray both have music so we could go see them. Mr Mason is cool he'll let us go see them." I nodded and followed his lead. We ended up at a smaller building block. Once you enter the doors you have a big room to your left, a recording studio in front of you, a small studio to the right and a hall leading to a side hall and another studio to the right, following the side hall we came to the music classroom, Gerard knocked once, "Come in Gerard." a voice, I was guessing belongs to Mr Mason called and the snickers of a couple of people from behind the door. Gerard shoved the door open and made his way to the front of the room with me trailing behind like a lost puppy. "Frank, This is Mr Mason, hes the guitar and music teacher, thought you might wanna meet him" I saw Mr Mason just smile at me kindly "Hi, Frank, Nice to meet you. Hope to see you for a class." Mr Mason said wit a warm smile. I smiled back and heard two people talking behind us. "Michael James Way, Raymond Toro, Stop flirting and do your work. " Gerard called at the two with a smirk. I looked back to see them both look down blushing, Is everyone Gerard knows, gay? Or at least half gay? Lucky dude. I awkwardly looked back at Gerard "Would it be cool if we just sit and watch?" I asked noticing its a lesson about guitars and basses. Mr Mason nodded "Yeah that would be fine, Gerard's class is going over the same thing in last period so he can become an expert on something he doesn't play.". "Oh Franks in my class too sir." Gerard stated. "Oh that's awesome, so you'll have someone you know with you." Mr Mason replied. I nodded and Gerard lead me to sit with who I guessed was Mikey and Ray. "Hello lovebirds." Gerard greeted them. I think I'll get along great with these guys.
Later on in the day it was lunch and we were hanging out in the music block in a studio, I had gotten to know them all a lot better and they knew me better. They were just telling me about how they're starting a band called "My Chemical Romance" saying Mikey found the name on library duty. I found they had a singer, Gerard, A bass, Mikey, A guitar, Ray, and Drums, Bob, Gerard asked if I wanted to join the stage gays-his wording not mine- and I was ecstatic but didn't know how I could join they already had everyone they needed. Or so I thought until Ray brought up "You know we need a Rhythm guitar" dropping a major hint. I smirked "Alright. I could do that."

/Hope you like it guys. I have a lot more idea but I'll put it into a new chapter.

Song: Joyriding
By: FrnkIero andthe Cellabrations/

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