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Spencers POV

"I have to get back, Tyler is waiting for me." I smile at Harry.

"Who is Tyler?" He says.

"My best friend from back home, I've known him since birth really." I say walking towards the door with Harry following closely behind me. He nods after I explain who Tyler is.

"Oh, okay. Text me okay." He says hugging me. His strong cologne engulfing my senses. I say goodbye to him then run next door and knock quickly. Tyler answers the door with a bright smile.

"Everything good?" He asks as I walk in and kick my shoes off. I nod and we walk into the living room. I see Tyler has made two bowls of popcorn and paused my favourite movie at the beginning. "This is why you're my best friend Tyler." I say jumping on the sofa grabbing a bowl of popcorn.

A few hours later, I feel Tyler carrying me upstairs. I feel startled at first but then realise I must've fallen asleep whilst watching the movie. I decide to pretend to be asleep as I can bearly keep my eyes open at this moment. I feel my head hit my pillow and the covers being pulled over me. The smell of clean coves fills my nose and I let out a soft sigh with how relaxed I am. I feel Tylers' lips kiss my forehead, and I hear him close my door behind him. Before I drifted off, I hear my phone buzz next to me, and I couldn't help but check it.

Harry: I'm thinking about that kiss ;) just joking, night love x

I put my phone down, and fell asleep with a massive smile on my face. I couldn't help it, I was glad that me and Harry are back to normal and that awkward moment didn't come between us. If I didn't have Harry as a friend, my life would be boring. Even after the short amount of time I have known him, I still feel as if we get closer everyday, and I enjoy where this friendship is going. I feel my eyes closing, and then I go into a daze, proving I was now asleep.


Harry's POV

I awoke by the sound of someone ringing my doorbell, and constantly hitting it. I drag myself up with a groan. This person at the door is really pissing me off and they really need to learn some patience before I kick them in the face. Evidently, I am not a morning person.

"What?!" I say opening the door.

"Post for you Mr.Styles." The postman says passing me my post.

"Ever heard of a letter box?" I say, looking down at my door seeing that I don't have a letter box. The postman gives me an evil look before he walks off down the driveway. I hear Spencers door open and see a man walk out. I can't help the jealousy running through me when I see him, until I realise this must be her friend Tyler.

"You must be Tyler." I say stepping out more to talk to the boy. He turns his head and looks at me, trying to think of who I am.

"You must be the friend who lives next door." Ouch. I nod my head and hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Harry actually, nice to meet you." I say and he obliges. We say our goodbyes because I was so fucking cold. I run in and slump down on my sofa opening the letters that the shitty postman gave to me. Bill, bill, bill is all I saw. I threw them onto the coffee table in front of me and laid back on my sofa, and once again I fell asleep.


Spencers POV

"I just saw your friend next door." Tyler says, pouring out some cereal for us both. I say thank you as he passes it to me and places it in front of me.

"Harry? Yeah he's lovely." I say.

"He seems cool, all them tattoo's though." He says snorting. I shook my head at him.

"There is nothing wrong with that." I say putting my spoon back into the bowl finishing my mouthful before talking again.

"Just be careful ok, i'm going home today and I don't want to leave you behind knowing you're gonna get hurt." He says putting his hand on my shoulder before walking out of the kitchen and heading upstairs. I nodded my head and continued eating my cereal and reading the newspaper in front of me.


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