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Harry's hand was on the arch of my back, to guide me where we was going to sit. It was a quiet corner where we could just talk for a while without being in a crowd of hormonal teenagers grinding against eachother. Harry smirked at me, the dimple on his left cheek evident. I smiled back at him, wondering why he was smirking at me, but to be honest I found myself enjoying the sight.

"Do you want a drink?" He says, putting his hand on my thigh. I blushed for some unknown reason.

"Yea, sure suprise me." I say and he nods, he stands up and I watch him walk off to the bar. I see some of the girls staring at me, probably wondering why I'm with Harry, I felt awkward and a bit out of place with the sudden attention nearly every girl in the room was giving me, even the ones with boyfriends. I found myself wanting Harry to hurry back, because then I'll feel more calm. I sighed of relief when I saw him come round the corner with 2 drinks in his hand.

"I got you this, I thought you might like it." He says placing a glass with a red drink in it. I picked it up and smelt it. Harry laughs beside me.

"Why are you laughing!" I say, laughing along with him.

"Cause you smelt it, just try it I promise you'll like it." He says encouraging me, I lifted the drink up to my lips and tasted it. It burned my throat, and I coughed after drinking it but I took another sip and I loved the taste. I wasn't a big drinker obviously.

"I like it, what is it?" I say.

"Its Disarano and Cranberry." He says, lifting his drink up to his lips and I drink all of mine at once, his eyes go wide and I smile.

"What? Surprised that I'm drinking?" I say, and smirk at him. I don't know what had gotten into me but I walked up to the bar and got myself another drink. As I walked off I heard Harry laugh at me, and caught up with me, I felt his hand on my back and he wrapped it around my waist further, spinning me around to face him. I see him smirk and I smirk back at him.

"You're pretty feisty tonight? I must say I'm loving this side of you." He says pushing me against the wall of the booth we was previously sitting in. I was only planning on getting another drink and now this happened.

"Oh really?" I say, tugging at the collar of his t-shirt and crashing my lips against him. I move my hands to the back of his neck, and he maneuvers his hands around my waist pulling me even closer than we already was. I pulled on his hair and he groaned. I pulled away and he seemed out of breath.

"Definitely loving this side right now." He says whispering into my ear, gently tugging at my earlobe. I blush, and took a minute to take in our surroundings. People dancing, drinking, making out, smoking. Then there was me and Harry on our own in a corner. I laughed at the thought that no one had spoke to us yet, or even noticed us. Other than those crazed girls. If looks could've killed, I wouldn't be here right now. Interrupting my thoughts, I see Niall walking over to us, with another boy with brown hair. I smiled and adjusted myself as they made their way over.

"Hey lovebirds." Niall said, pushing Harrys shoulders and hugging me.

"Spencer, I don't believe you've met Louis." Said Niall, and I look over to the boy on his right. I smile and hold out my hand, in which Louis shakes in a greeting. "Nice to meet you." Louis said, and I nod my head.

I went to the bar, while Harry was talking with Niall and Louis. There was a load of boy chat going on, so I excused myself to go get myself and the others some drinks. I waited for the bartender to come over with the drinks, but he was quite busy tonight by the looks of it, so I stood there and waited for a long time. I felt a hand touch the arch of my back, and I turned around, thinking it would be Harry. I was disappointed when I found out it weren't him, and also a little raged as to why he was touching me.

"Can I help you?" I say, moving out of his touch.

Harrys POV

Spencer had been gone for quite some time, and I began to get worried. I stood up from the table and walked off in search for my date. Only to find that she was no where to be found. I heard a shout coming from near the bar, so I walked that way to find Spencer was trying to push a drunken waste of space off of her. Rage filled my body, and I angrily made my way over there.

"Hey! Get out of here!" I say, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling him away from her.

"Woah, Sorry Styles. I didn't know she was with you man." He says, scurring away out of the building. I grabbed Spencer, and pulled her to me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I say, gritting my teeth together. She moved closer to me so the closeness between us wasn't existence. "Im fine." She breaths on my neck, and my hairs raise on my arm. Before I could comprehend what she was doing to me, she put her lips to mine. The kiss was passionate and I was savouring every minute of it.

"Lets get out of here." I growl at her, and I take her hand and lead her out of the building.

Once we arrived back at my place, I closed the door and threw off my shoes. She stepped out of her high heels and I slammed her against the wall, continuing the kiss we had earlier. I deepened the kiss by pushing my tounge against her bottom lip, she was playing hard to get as she denied my entrance. I moved by hands down her waist until they reached her bum, giving it a rough squeeze. She gasped giving me a chance to allow myself entrance to her mouth. She moaned as I pushed her further up the wall. I moved my lips down to her neck, sucking harshly on her collorbone. Marking her, I licked over the sore grase I left on her as she gasped under my lips.

"So much for friends." She says, and I laugh. I move pieces of hair out of her face, and place a gentle kiss on her bright red swollen lips.

She was so beautiful. I was mesmorised by her beauty. How her hair fell perfectly down her chest, how her lips were a natural tint of red. My favourite was her eyes. Her eyes captured me the most, I could stare into them all day, they were a beautiful green colour, and they changed colour with her emotions. Right now they were full with lust, making them a dark green and her pupils were wide. I kissed the top of her head, and stroked her cheek.

"Stay with me tonight." I said, and she nodded her head. I led her upstairs with her tiny hand caught in mine. Once we reached my room, we walked in and she stood there in front of me, and innocent look on her face. I unzipped her dress from behind, and watched it drop to the floor. I breathed in, and was taken by her beauty. I pulled off my t-shirt and pulled it down onto her. She smiled and breathed in the scent of my shirt, which also made me smile. I threw off my jeans and led her over to the bed. She climbed in the opposite side to me, and we laid there staring into eachothers eyes, I pulled her closer to me, and kept my arms around her. I watched her eyes close, and then mine soon followed.

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