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"Hey, Isn't that Louis?" I say to Harry, and he turns around to see if it was. He mumbles a 'yeah' and looks back at me. "Do you want to go say Hello?" I say cuddling up to him, he nods and takes my hand.

"Lou!" Harry shouted and Louis turned around abruptly. A smile spread across his face, and he walks over with a girl on his arm. She was quite tall, and had long brown hair. She was very pretty. I looked down at the floor and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear, feeling slightly intimidated by the girl.

"Harry boy! Where you been?" He shouts, pulling Harry into a man hug. He then looks over at me. "Loved up I see." Louis says, and shakes my hand.

"How have you been Spencer?" He smiles. I smile back.

"I've been good thank you." I say, shaking his hand back.

"Hi Chloe." Harry says.

"Spencer this is Chloe" Louis says, and she moves over to Harry to kiss his cheek.

"Nice to meet you." She says as she makes her way over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I felt quite awkward as I didn't know where to put my hands, one was holding onto Harry's for dear life, and the other was just hanging there. She moves back to her previous position with all hands on Louis.

"What brings you out?" Louis says. If it wasn't obvious.

"Just wanted some fun really. Haven't been going out recently." Harry says.

"How about we bowl together? We just got here too. Do you want any food or drink, my treat?" Louis says, pointing to the counter.

"Sure." Harry says, and looks down at me smiling as the two of them walk off, leaving me with Chloe. We walked over to the bowling alley that we were assigned and started typing in our names to show on the screen. I sat down whilst she wrote all of our names. Then she came and sat next to me.

"So, how long have you and Harry been together for?" She says, smiling at me, shuffling in her seat. Now she says it, I take time to think about it, and realise its only been a few days, and it only felt like last night that he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Whilst I sit there daydreaming about when he asked me, I remembered I was in the middle of a conversation.

"Erm, 3 days." I say, embarrassed in case she had been with Louis for a longer period of time. She coo's at me and smiles as I smile back at her.

"That's adorable! Newly couple! Its been about 3 months for me and Louis." She says, and I realise she is just as loved up as me. Its cute to see. I could see myself getting along really well with her. The boys make their way back over to us, and place  the drinks down on the table. Harry looked over at me and mouthed if I was okay, and I mouthed back that I was fine and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ready to get your asses kicked?!" Louis shouted, and nearly everyone turned to look at him in the building. All of us laughed, and carried on with the game.

A few hours later, the game was over. Funnily enough Louis didn't win, he ended up coming 3rd, which was hilarious. Harry come first, me second and Chloe last, but she wasn't really bothered. After the game had finished, we all had gone out to dinner, to this fancy restaurant a bit more into town.

"I'll have the Lasagne please." I say to the waiter as he takes my menu from me. "I'll have the same." Chloe says, and hands the menu over. After the waiter had left, we got into conversation about how Louis and Harry met.

"It was quite a funny story actually." Louis says, as he giggles a bit, without even telling any of the story yet. Harry also laughs along with him. "It started off, in the second year of High School, me, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and a boy called Liam, started our own band. We wrote our own songs, had a few gigs then and again, and even won our school talent show." Louis says, and laughs.

"Why are you laughing! That's such a good achievement! What happened to the band?" I say curiously. "Yeah what happened?" Chloe says, moving closer to Louis.

"We had a little falling out." Louis says, before Harry cut in.

"We?" Harry says, lifting an eyebrow.

"Fine, me and Zayn had a fall out. He stopped coming to rehearsals, he started acting funny, and started hanging around with different people. It came to the point I confronted him and it didn't end well I guess. He took a sip of his drink, and he seemed quite sad with the argument he had had.

"Haven't spoke to him since." Harry says, and Louis shrugs his shoulders. The table went quiet, but thank god the waiter came over when he did. He placed the food down in front of me, and it looked delicious.

"Thank you for the dinner Louis, and it was really nice to meet you Chloe." I say, and walk over to hug her, she kisses Harry's cheek, and walks back to the car after everyone had said their goodbyes. As we got into the car, Harry turned the heat on quickly, as the car was freezing.

"That was fun." He says and I nod my head. "Yeah it was, Chloe seemed nice." I say looking over at him.

"Yeah, Louis and her have always had a thing. They've been friends for ages, and I always thought they would get together." I nod my head and laugh.

"I like your hair like that." Harry says, putting his hand over mine. I move it so that its on top of his. "Thank you." I say, pushing it behind my ear once again. I tend to do that when I get nervous, it seemed to calm me.

"You're very welcome." He says. "Are you coming back to mine, or yours?"

"Does it really matter, we live next to each other." I laugh and he does too.

"My place it is then." He smiles, and pulls into the parking space outside his house.


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