Chapter 1

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(y/n) POV

"AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT! But then again I didn't marry you for your brains." Mama said. Mama and Tai have been married for almost four months now and just as Uncle Qrow said this marriage was doomed to fail. "Hey there sweetie, Mommy, and Daddy were...ok we were fighting, you're old enough to at least figure that much out." Mama said, "Hey wanna really make your dad mad?" She said.


"That's it! Don't ever show an ounce of mercy!" Raven said from outside, "What's she up to now?" I said as I walked outside only to find (y/n) slashing at her with a dagger.

"That's it! Don't ever show an ounce of mercy!" Raven said from outside, "What's she up to now?" I said as I walked outside only to find (y/n) slashing at her with a dagger

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING RAVEN!" I said angrily, "(y/n) look a new target." Raven said, suddenly (y/n) threw the dagger at me hitting the door inches from my head, "Ok (y/n) you are definitely gonna play baseball, and Raven he's three what made you think this was a good idea?!" I said, "I don't see the problem. he's my son after all." Raven said as she gave (y/n) his dagger back.

(y/n) POV

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM RAVEN?! WHO HURT YOU?!" Tai said angrily, "YOU'RE MY PROBLEM! MAYBE IF YOU WERE HOME MORE INSTEAD OF SPENDING SO MUCH TIME WITH MY IDIOT BROTHER YOU'D KNOW THAT I'M PREGNANT!" Mama said angrily, "You're pregnant." Tai said, "I'd say I hope it's not yours, but then that implicates me of cheating and unlike you, I'm not that dumb." Mama said, "I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!" Tai said happily, "Well at least one of us is happy." Mama said, "How far along are you?!" Tai asked, "Three months." Mama said, "WHAT?! Where have I been?" Tai said, "With Qrow! Every time I told you I was pregnant you were either drunk off your...butt or you passed out!" Mama said, "Oh." Tai said.

Nine months passed in the blink of an eye. Mama and Tai had a baby girl who Tai named Yang, and from what Auntie Summer told me things would get better with a new baby in the house, but Yang just made things worse! Mama and Tai fought more than ever. It's one thing after another with them! (y/n) didn't add me to his picture, or you left the toilet seat up again. Every little thing caused a huge fight. I was sick of it. So I decided to leave. I had no clue where I was going, but somehow I made my way to the docks, "Hello there little boy, are you lost? Where are your Mommy and Daddy?" A woman asked as I looked up at her.

 I had no clue where I was going, but somehow I made my way to the docks, "Hello there little boy, are you lost? Where are your Mommy and Daddy?" A woman asked as I looked up at her

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I just looked away, "Let me guess, you don't have the best home life. Your parents are fighting so you decided to run away right?" She said I nodded, "Have either of them hit you yet?" She asked, at that moment the memory of the time Tai hit me for breaking a window while Mama and I were playing catch came back to me and I nodded, "My name's Kali if you want you can come to stay with me. My fiance and I love kids and sure we fight every now and then, but we get over it pretty quickly." Kali said sweetly I nodded.

Raven POV

"THAT'S IT! I WAT A DIVORCE!" I said angrily, "I couldn't agree more!" Tai said, "Where's (y/n) we're gonna go stay with Summer for a while." I said, "I haven't seen him since breakfast. WHEN HE LEFT ME OUT OF HIS FAMILY DRAWING!" He said, "So while we've been fighting my son somehow went missing!" I said angrily, "This is your fault, Tai! You knew exactly how much (y/n) meant to me so what do you go and do, you drive him away!" I said, "Oh just open a portal to him it's not that hard." He said, "It is that hard! I never bonded a portal to him! He never left my side for long so I never had a reason to!" I said as I walked away, "Where are you going?" He asked, "I'm going to go find my son." I said coldly, "And don't expect me to come back." I said as I left.

Kali POV

"Ghyra!" I said happily, "Ghyra this is (y/n) he's gonna be living with us." I said as (y/n) slept in my arms, "Kali, please tell me you didn't kidnap another child because you thought they were cute." Ghyra said, "THAT WAS ONE TIME! And no, he ran away from his home." I said, "So out of the kindness of your heart you decided to take him in?" He said, " he's really cute." I said. 

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