Chapter 3

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Kali POV

It's been three years since we took (y/n) in. In that time he started to think of me as his mother and he finally felt like he was a part of the family. "MOMMY!" (y/n) said happily as he ran to me, "Did you have fun at training today sweetie?" I asked, "Yeah! I learned how to use my dagger better! And my teacher said that if I keep doing as well as I am then she'll help me upgrade my dagger!" (y/n) said happily, "So you're dead set on being a huntsman then?" I said, ever since I told (y/n) about huntsmen and huntresses back when he was three they've been heroes in his eyes. "YEAH!" He said happily, "Well if that's what makes you happy then I support you." I said.

Raven POV

"It's been three years now. So you better have found my son." I said, "What if I told you he was dead in a ditch somewhere, or that he's been with me this whole time? Would you still want to know?" Lil' Miss Malachite said I pointed the tip of my sword at her throat, "Then I'll kill you for wasting my time. So where is he." I said coldly, "MENAGERIE! HE'S ON MENAGERIE!" She said, "Now was that so hard?" I said as I sheathed my blade and left.

I got on a boat to Menagerie, 'Mommy's coming (y/n).' I thought as the ship approached its destination, I quickly transformed and flew to the island.

I flew around for a while, believe it or not, picking a human out of a crowd of Faunus is harder thin you'd think. But I eventually found him training on his own at some sort of academy, "Mommy!" (y/n) said happily as he hugged some woman, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SPYING ON MY STUDENT!" a woman said angrily as she jumped up to meet me on the roof.

 But I eventually found him training on his own at some sort of academy, "Mommy!" (y/n) said happily as he hugged some woman, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SPYING ON MY STUDENT!" a woman said angrily as she jumped up to meet me on the roof

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"Your student is my son, so get out of my way kitty." I said as I drew my sword, "Don't lie! (y/n) Belladonna is the son of Kali and Ghyra Belladonna! Even if he's a human he's one of us!" She said as I assigned a portal to (y/n), "You said you were his teacher right?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "How is he? Does he have potential?" I asked, "He's got a long way to go, but yes he has lots of potential." She said, "Good, now if you'll excuse me." I said as I jumped off the roof and transformed and followed (y/n).

"Ok sweetie you go on ahead I'll meet you at home." The woman (y/n) called Mommy said, "Who are you, and why are you following us?" She said, "You have my son." I said, "Oh so you're his mother. It's nice to meet you, my name is Kali Belladonna!" She said, "Raven Brawnwen, and I'll be blunt. I want my son back." I said, "No, he's my son now." She said, "You're either very brave...or you have a deathwish. So give me my son or I'll cut you down and take him." I said, "As a mother would you really take him away from something that makes him happy? He's happy with us, so would you still take him knowing that?" She said, "That makes two feisty kitties I've met today." I said, "You win, but I'll be back." I said.

Later that night I snuck into (y/n)'s room, "I'll trust you in her hands, but I'll be around if you ever need your real mommy." I said as I kissed his forehead as he slept, "Plus she won't give you fun new toys like I will, then again most of them are gonna be stolen." I said as I left him a gift before I left.

Kali POV

"MOMMY!" (y/n) said happily as he ran downstairs, "I found this in my room when I woke up!" He said as he handed me a sword.

"MOMMY!" (y/n) said happily as he ran downstairs, "I found this in my room when I woke up!" He said as he handed me a sword

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I unsheathed the blade slightly and a note fell out onto the floor, I picked it up and opened it, 'I'm the fun mom. R.' it read, "That woman." I said, "Mommy can I use it?!" (y/n) asked excitedly, "Yes, but be very careful! It's very different from your dagger." I said as I gave him the sword, "OK! I'LL BE CAREFUL!" He said as he ran to the backyard, "SWEETIE DON'T RUN WITH THAT!" I said worriedly, "That boy, he won't learn till he cuts his hand off. I hope it doesn't to that." I said.

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