Chapter 16

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(y/n) POV

"And this is where I trained and became the strongest man in the world." I said, "L-Lover y-you came back to me!" a woman shouted happily, "Oh gods no!" I said in fear as she ran over to us.

" I said, "L-Lover y-you came back to me!" a woman shouted happily, "Oh gods no!" I said in fear as she ran over to us

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"V-Vale you're back! And you have a tail now...why?" I asked as I hid behind Arthur, "It belonged to my ex. He cheated, so I cut it off, among other things." she said with a laugh. "Who are these women with you, darling? Don't tell me you're cheating on me?" she said as her hair turned black with red highlights along with her tail and her eyes turned red, "LOOK OVER THERE SOMETHING SHINEY!" I shouted as I pointed behind her ad while she was distracted I ran home.

"So wanna tell us who that psycho chick was?!" Arthur said, "That was Vale, my ex. For a brief time when I was thirteen, we dated and she wanted to get married have thirty kids, and live alone in the mountains two weeks in!" I said in fear, "When I tried to break up with her she tried to stab Blake!" I said, "I stand corrected, psycho, is being nice." he said, "Uh (y/n) your ex is here to see you. And she has a nice new haircut that I'm not sure how to feel about." Blake said, "WE'RE NOT HERE!" Arthur and I shouted as we hid, "Tell her I died and she can kill Arthur!" I said, "WHAT DID I DO?!" Arthur said, "YOU'RE THE JAUNE OF THE TEAM SO WE'RE CUTTING A LOSS!" I said, "Oh darling, you can't die. I. Won't. Let. You." Vale said from behind me, "KILL ARTHUR! HE'S WEAK, BUT A DECENT SACRIFICE!" I shouted as I used Arthur as a meat shield, "Oh sweetie, I'm not gonna hurt you. I missed you and wanted to spend time with my boyfriend." she said, "So are we not mentioning that my son is married?" Mom said, "MOM YOU'VE KILLED US ALL!" I said in fear, "M-Married? N-No you belong to me! You're MY boyfriend!" Vale snapped, "What's going on in here? I was reading and I could hardly focus with all the shouting." Terra said, "Oh your husband is just hiding from his ex." Mom said, "Y-You married her? Why? I'm way prettier not to mention younger. I can do things she can't. So why? Why her?" Vail muttered softly as she left. "I'm lost, who was that?" Terra asked, "A timebomb." we all said.

Vale POV

"He's married to that hussy. B-But I can tell he's not happy! Yeah, how could he be happy with a hag like her?" I said as I dried my tears, "I know! I'll just kill her and then we can be together!" I said as I dusted off my old weapons.

 B-But I can tell he's not happy! Yeah, how could he be happy with a hag like her?" I said as I dried my tears, "I know! I'll just kill her and then we can be together!" I said as I dusted off my old weapons

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"These should do the job, but I'll have to deal with her body so my knives have to be nice and sharp!" I said as I began sharpening the point on the spikes of my gauntlets and then I'd move on to my knives.

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