Chapter 4

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Hm? This sweet fragrance. Why is this so familiar to me. "Nngh...I love this.." I'm hugging tighter my bolster. My bolster?! What?!! I immediately opened my eyes. Déjà vu? Her face so close to mine. So cute. She is 23 years old, right? With her face and personality, I guess she has a boyfriend. Why didn't she invite him instead me today? Ughh.. I couldn't move my hand. Why did I hug her in the first place?

Knock! Knock!

"Rikako... you have an event today, right? Wake up already.." Her Mama said.

"Yes Mama." She mumbled and opened her eyes. She looked at me and didn't say anything. Is she still half asleep or what?

"Hey.. Good morning, Rika." I said.

Suddenly she pushed me away until I fell off from bed. " hurts."

"Ah!! Mei!! I'm sorry. I'm just surprised you're on my bed." She gave me a hand to stand up.

"It's my bad. Sorry I hugged you all night long. Maybe this is my punishment." I took her hand. "Thank you."

"No no no no.. It's not like tha-"

"Rikakoooo!" for the second time her Mama called.

"Yes Mamaaa..." She answered. Suddenly she hold my hand tightly. "Mei..." She looked so sad.

"It's ok Rika. Let's go. We have to get ready." I said. After that Rikako still looked sad. I didn't understand what is she thinking. She didn't have to sad because of that. It's my fault after all.


We arrived to the event hold. So many people are gathering here. I don't even know what event is this. Rika didn't tell me anything. She just asked me to follow her to come here.

Is this my eyes who played around with me or am I seeing many big posters with Rikako in it?

"Aqours?" it feels like I heard that word somewhere. "Nghh.." I tried so hard to remembered it. Suddenly She tighten her grab on my hand. I almost forgot. She had been like this from home to come here. She is more clingy than before. "Hey.. that's why you use mask and glasses? Because you're famous, right?"

"You don't know me, right? So, I'm not that famous." Even in her masked, I could tell she is pouting right now. "Let's go.. my friends are waiting us." She is pulling me to the biggest building there.

Yeah.. Because of that many posters, I could imagine what event is this.

"AIDA-SAN!!! FINALLY, YOU COME!!" someone shouted to us when we come in to the building. Wow there are many people too in here. They are the staff I'm sure that. They are guiding us to the room that Aqours had to get ready for the event.

"Sorry girls, I'm late." While she pulled me to the room

"Is it ok if I'm coming to the room with you?" I whispered to her.

She glanced at me "Of course." Smiled.

"'re late!"

"Where have you been, Rikako?"

"We have to perform in an hour. Go go go girls."

"We don't have time girls."

"Arisa is right. We don't have time to debates girls. Just get ready."

"Come Rikako, you have to ge-" The smallest girl looked at me "Araa..She is Mei, right?" All the girls in that room looked at me. Ok, seriously I'm so confused now.

"Hm? How di-" I cut by them.

"Wow it's really is her."

"I don't know Rikako is this aggressive" That smallest girl winked her eyes and smirked at us. All of them do the same thing like that smallest.

"WHAT?!! NOOO!!!" She released my hand and looked mad at them. But, I could tell her face is so red like a tomato right now even I looked at her from beside.\

"Is it no?" I added while looked at her. I stuck out my tongue to her.

She around her head to me while said "Mouuuu.. why are you teaming up with them Mei!!"

"Girls!! Are you ready?! It's show time~!" One of staff suddenly come to the room.

"WHAAAAATTTT!!!" The girls said in unison.

They forgot. I chuckled lookat them in so hurry. Interesting.

Come Back To Me (Aida Rikako x OC)Where stories live. Discover now