Chapter 11

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She woke up from bed lazily and looked something on the table.

"Ah. That's it." She said while grabbed her mobile phone. "Who is it at a time like this?!" For a second, I felt like she glanced at me. Who is that? I woke up and sit on the bed while looked at her.

"Sorry Mei, it will a bit noisy here" She received that phone call.

"Rikakooooo~!! How is it?! how is it??!!"

"Calm down Shuka! So, how is it Rikako?"

"It's night girls. Calm down." Rikako answered. She is climbing to the bed and sitting beside me. So, that is not just a phone called. That is a video called from Aqours group. She put me in the frame too with her, that made all the Aqours member can looked at me too.

"Ah! You are together with Mei! Just like I thought! You are so aggressive Rikako." Aina said to teased her.

"Wow Rikako. You move so fast than I thought." Arisa added.

"Yea She is so aggressive. She didn't even let me take a break." I followed up them. stuck out my tongue and looked away from her.

"Wha- Noooo.." She said. She gave me a punch on my hand.

"I don't know you're that kind of woman" Sure Aika used her teasing voice to Rikako.

"Rikako, are you top or bottom?" Ai said.

"Of course she is a bottom, right? fufufu" Kanako added.

"What are you guys talking about..." She looked almost speechless hearing what her friends said.

"Are you guys not sleepy yet?" I asked. They are tired from the event, right? They should be sleep already.

"Of course not. We are still on fire now." Shuka answered.

"Only you Shuka." Nanaka said while faced palm herself.

"Heee?? You guys already want to sleep?" Shuka was pouting now.

"Yes, we do." I smirked and hugged Rikako from behind. "Don't disturb us, ok." I kissed her cheek in front of the others Aqours member.

"OOOOOHHHHH!!!!" They said in unison.

"Wha- ba- iya-" She was speechless. Looked at me with her red face. I burst laugh at her. I liked to tease her like this.

"We can't disturb them girls." Arisa said while smirked on us. All of them smirked on us like Arisa did.

I could tell that Rikako's face became so red. She was so cute. I really couldn't let her go. In this past 4 years, I never felt like this to other people. But why now? Why it had to be her? With a people that I just met? There was something wrong here.





"Wh- what?"

"Why are you spacing out?" She looked at me with her worries face. "What are you thinking?"

"Hm? Ah, nevermind." I looked away from her. She is turning around and sitting on my lap facing me. "Wh-what are you doing Rika? They will see us" Tried to look at her phone, but it was dark. "Haa? No one there."

"They already hung up the phone a min ago. Didn't you realize it?" She said.

"Hmm.. Sorry."


"Ya?" I answered.

"Why did you do that in front of them?"

"Did what?"

"You kissed me." She is blushing. Enough with holding myself back. Just think about it later. For now, I wanted to make sure about my own feeling.

"Kissed you? I didn't." I was smiling. Just looked at her like this, could make me happy. How can?

"Yes, you di-" I hold her cheek, rubbed it with my thumb. Leaned to her face. Our face only a little bit apart. I stuck out my tongue, and licked her lips. I joined our lips together. She had a very soft lips that I ever know. It felt so different than others.

Hm? She kissed me back. She put her hands on my shoulders.

We were kissing.

Come Back To Me (Aida Rikako x OC)Where stories live. Discover now