Chapter 12

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I could feel there is an electricity through all over my body. It felt great. I couldn't describe it in words. What I knew is I won't let her go. Whatever happens, never let her go. I think I can if it's her. I could feel it. We were kissing like no one can separated us. I didn't know how many minutes have passed. Until...

"hhh..hh..hh" I backed off to take a breath. I saw her did the same like I did. Wow, we run out our breath because of that kissed.

"Hhh..Th-that is called kiss. Not the one that I did in from of your friends." I licked my own lips. I could still feel her lips on mine. What should I do if I got addicted her kiss. That seriously felt so good.

"Hh..hhh..hh.. Me-Mei.." She said while tightening her grab on my shoulders.

"Hm?" I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead to hers. "What is it, Rika?"


"Ha? Why... What?" I backed off and looked at her with confuse face. What do you mean by that?

"Why are you so good at kissing?" She was mad. I could tell from her face right now. Why was she so bother with something like that? Ah that remind me, she was so mad when she thought that I kissed Arisa. Then what should I answer her?

"Moouu.. How many people had you dated and kissed already until now?!" She added. Not wasted her timed, She pinched me.

"Adudududuhhh.. That hurts Rikaa..." I complained while rubbed my cheeks with my hands. She really was pinched so hard on my cheeks. I bet it will red later.

"Answer me! How many?!"

I'm folding my hand tried to think so hard. "Hmm..." I didn't really remember exactly how many people that I'd ever dated. Because I didn't really care about something like that. I did it to move on from 'her'. That one who always come to my head. Even I didn't want to think about her, but she always came. Someone that I wanted to forget. My first love.

Hm? Just like I thought, It was really weird after all. Why was I so attracted to Rikako on the first place?

"Meiii~" She waved her hand in front of my face. "Why are you only silent like that??"

"Sorry, I am only thinking about something."

"So? How many?"

I sighed. I really couldn't dodge that question.

"Actually I don't want to talk about it, because that's not important. But, if you want to know that bad, I'll tell you everything." I smiled. "Hmm.. for how many people that I'd dated and kissed, to be honest I don't really remember."

"What?!! You're a playgirl after all!!" She pinched my cheeks again.

"Adudududuh.. It hurts Rika! It's not like that! Please listen till the end." I tried to release her hand from my cheeks. "Unghh.. It really hurts Rika." I rubbed my cheeks.

"It's your fault after all!!" She looked really mad. I was afraid to looked at her right now. "...and here I am waiting for you like a fool" She murmured and looked away from me.

"Rika..." I grabbed her waist. "Thank you," I grinned. "Don't you know how happy I am right now." I wanted to hug her.

"Cheesy! I bet you said that to all your ex." She pushed me and didn't let me to hug her. I sighed. Maybe this is my punishment from all of my ex.

"I didn't say it to all of them. Only to one person." I looked around pretended to think something "Hm... with you it became two persons." I glanced at her and stuck out my tongue.

"What?! Who is that?!!" She looked shock with my answered. It was so cute when she is like that. I could tell she is jealous now.

"Hey... calm down. I told you that I will tell you everything right." I grinned. "You can ask me anything that you want to know about me."

"Who. Is. That?!"

Wow, she looked so scary. Ismiled at her. I told her everything that she wanted to know.

Come Back To Me (Aida Rikako x OC)Where stories live. Discover now