Chapter 13*pool party part 1*

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Marinette woke up in the morning by the sound of the birds on the tree near her window.

Marinette still remember the days when she used this tree to sneak out of the castle.

Marinette looked next to her to see Alya still sleeping. She smiled then got up from the bed to see the time.

She looked at her phone and it read 5:35 in the morning.

Marinette smiled. Now she can be her usual self. There will be no stuttering. No clumsiness. No shyiness. And the most important she won't be late. She will be simply normal.

Marinette went to her dresser and started getting ready. She remember that Alya said something about a pool party.

Marinette got her swimsuit and cover in her bag. She started getting ready.

She decided that she will wear a chic outfit.

Marinette wore a blue jeans which showed her curves with a tight black top inside of the jeans.

She wore a black boots with a pair of sunglasses.

Marinette decided to let her hair down with a small braid in the center

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Marinette decided to let her hair down with a small braid in the center.

Her hair was very long but she always hid it in her pigtails. Cutting hair for girls in China is disrespect for the family.

The real color of Marinette's hair is blue and purple but she decided to hid it.

Marinette went to wake Alya up but before she could reach her Marinette's phone rang

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Marinette went to wake Alya up but before she could reach her Marinette's phone rang.

She looked at the caller ID and found out that it was Nino by the name DJ.

Morning DJ.

Morning blueberry.

Why are you calling?? Aren't you here in the castle??

Um..... about that. That's why I was calling.


Uh I am actually at the hotel.

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