Chapter 19*Sleepover 1*

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I want to thank you for the 2k reads. I am truly happy and honored that you like my story. Now to the chapter.

At the hotel

The gang along with Adrien and the Two young royalties went to the hotel to rest after their visit to the graveyard. Adrien was still thinking about how to tell Marinette tomorrow about his feelings with his secret being a prince. They all were hoping for a rest but what they didn't expect was seeing all the class at their rooms' doors knocking on it. Alix spotted them.

"Guys!! Thank God. We were afraid something happened when you didn't answer the doors." Alix exclaimed.

Lila was shocked as she hoped something happened to Marinette.

"Don't worry dudes." Nino said.

"Where were you??" Kim asked.

"Visiting someone family." Riyan answered.

"Why are the princesses and the princes here??" Rose asked titling her head.

"They will be at the hotel until the princess's coronation as they hoped to stay with me." Marinette answered.

"I can tell the princess about that and you can stay at the palace. You know. We are like sisters." Lila told them in her 'sweet' voice.

The gang snickered trying so hard not to laugh.

"Pshhhh. Nah. We prefer staying with Mariberry." Asashi said.

"And those two??" Chloe asked pointing at the young prince and princess.

"We want to stay with our Mom?? Can we??" Adriana and Marin yelled begging Marinette.

The class was quite shocked when they heard 'our mom'. Lila gasped.

"Marinette!! Are you their mother??" Lila asked in a shocked voice. In the inside she was smirking.

The class gasped along with Alya who who faked her gasp.

"OMG. Marinette is that true??" the class asked.

"C'mon guys. Stop it." Alya told them.

"It's not a problem Al." Marinette assured her.

"No, it's a problem. How dare she say something like that!!" Ritta said angry.

Marinette noticed that the children were at the verge of tears when they thought that they are the reason a fight started.

"Ritta. It is not a problem." Marinette said hoping to stop that fight.

"But... Marinette!! How can you be a mother??? You are so young." Rose asked.

Lila was smirking as she watched the fight. She was happy that she lied about something Marinette will take a long time to confess them the opposite. Now, she could make Adrien hate her.

Adrien remember that when they were at her limo they asked if they can call her that and she agreed. So he knows everything about that and he knows that Marinette isn't their own mother.

Lila, Adrien, Alya and the gang knew that this was a lie so they was waiting for Marinette to say that this is wrong. But... they didn't expect what was about to happen......

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