Chapter 32*Marriage purpose 'in a bad way'*

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Hey guys. So I found out that the chapter got deleted and I started writing it all over again. Now to the chapter.


Marinette entered the lobby to see Te class crowded around something. She shook her head wiping off the sad look as she approached them. Once she saw Bitty she scowled.

"C'mon. This Marinette girl is just so full of herself." Bitty said. "Once she see a weak person she gets so full of herself." Bitty started insulting Marinette.

Marinette slipped her phone on her ear pretending to talk to someone. "Ladybug don't do this." Marinette exclaimed grabbing their attention as she started missing with Bitty's hair with her magic.

"What's happening?!!" Alix exclaimed.

"Ladybug I said stop." Marinette 'scolded' in the phone as she cutted all of Bitty's hair.

Marinette then 'ended the call' as she looked at Bitty apologetically. "Sorry Bitty. Ladybug just heard what you said and she wouldn't stop. You know how she is when she is angry." Marinette said smirking inwardly.

"You..." Bitty stared in horror. "Are you 18?!!" Bitty yelled in horror as she covered her, no hair, head with her hands.

"You know it." Marinette simply answered. "Oh I was going to forget. I am a legend." Marinette added.

Bitty looked like she saw a ghost as she sprinted out of the lobby as Nino came out if his place with Adrien and Alya trailing behind him to her laughing.

"That was awesome." Nino admitted. "Looks like her highness got quite the quick hold of her powers." Nino told her in Chinese then at the same Alya and Chloe gasped.

"We understand." The two of them exclaimed.

"Well duh. Yesterday's training wasn't a light deal." Marinette said as she called Luka.

Hey Marinette

Hey Luka. Are you free??

Kind of. Need a ride??

Yes please. I wanna go home.

Be there in a minute.

'K. Thanks Luka.

Marinette ended the call as she looked at her best friends. "Let's go." Marinette said as she started walking.

"Where are you guys going??" Kim asked.

"To get killed." Nino answered as he walked next to Marinette.

Mylene and Rose gasped. As Juleka stared lovingly.

"What!!" Alix yelled going to Alya.

"Where are you going Alya??" Alix asked knowing that Alya can't keep a secret.

"To get ourselves killed." Alya answered.

"What about you Adrien??" Kim asked.

Adrien stayed silent for a moment then he shrugged. "I am gonna get myself killed." Adrien said.

Out of nowhere, Chloe sprinted with crazy speed, which is actually thanks to her powers, towards them and started yelling. "If Lukins is gonna drive us then count me in Adrikins." Chloe exclaimed as she completely ignored Nathaniel.

Once Chloe caught up Marinette stole a glance towards her. "Looks like you already know how to act." Marinette said in Chinese.

"I found out that I can control bees and I listened to your conversation earlier when u wondered where you were." Chloe confessed.

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