Chapter 26*The miracle*

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Marinette laughed as she stood next to Nino. "Now now. If Nino is this strong then what about me??? Hmm??" Marinette asked smirking.

John was wide eyed as he tried to crumble away from those two people but he failed. Marinette raised him by the collar of his shirt and punched him knocking him out. Marinette huffed in frustration.

"Already knocked out??? I didn't get to have my fun." Marinette whined and stomped her legs like a 5 years old child.

"There there." Nino said patting her head.

Some bodyguards came and took John to his limo. Once they left Marinette looked at her watch and gasped loudly. She quickly turned to her friends and hugged them.

"Thank you guys for awesome birthday party. Unfortunately, it have to end here. I have a super duper important place I have to go now." Marinette apologized.

"No sweat Marinette." Kim told her.

"Yeah. It is totally fine Mari." Rose told her.

"Thank you guys. C'mon Virens. Everyone of you go to your limos. You know the place. Adrien, Alya and Chloe will come with me." Marinette said as they began to move.

"Thank you again for the party guys. Bye." Marinette said waving for them.

"Bye." They all responded.

Marinette entered her limo with her friends. "To the royal Palace Luka." Marinette told him as he nodded.

Chloe stared at her as she crossed her arms waiting for an explanation. "You are going to tell me or what??" Chloe asked.

"Okay. Where can I begin??" Marinette took a deep breath. "First of all Tiki and Plagg aren't my real parents. Tiki is my mother's sister. So she is basically my aunt." Marinette said.

"Yeah. And mine too." Nino added.

"Wait. You two are brother and sister??" Adrien asked.

"No. They are cousins." Alya responded.

"Then if they aren't your real parents. Where is yours??" Chloe asked.

"Dead. They are dead. And to be more specific they were killed." Marinette told them as Alya putted a hand on Marinette's back while Nino putted his hand on her shoulder.

"Wha- Marinette I am so sorry. But if you don't mind. Why were they killed??" Chloe quickly apologized.

"It's okay Chloe. Here comes my real secret. I, Marinette Iris Dupain-Cheng, is princess of China and Ephedia." Marinette told them holding her head up high.

Adrien and Chloe gasped. "Princess??!!" They both yelled.

"Yes. Princess. Nino is my bodyguard and cousin. Most importantly a best friend." Marinette told them smiling at Nino.

"Wait. Does that mean that princess Bridgette is your sister??" Adrien asked.

"Yeah. My twin sister who was killed with my parents when the palace was attacked." Marinette told them tears forming in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.

"So how did Alya know??" Chloe asked.

"I was so depressed on my parents anniversary and I needed someone by my side. I called you so much Chloe so you can come with Alya but the call never reached you so Alya was the only one coming. When Alya came to the castle I just said everything." Marinette smiled sheepishly as Nino shaked his head.

"I couldn't stop her from telling Alya everything so....." Nino trailed off.

"I have powers. It comes to me at the age of 18. The day of my birthday. But I also have another powers that I could use from the moment of my birth. The Ephedian powers." Marinette told them.

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