Chapter 6

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[ imagine being the only girl inside the bts dorm, nvm they prolly would just ignore you LOL ]

It was a genuinely hot day in the house and Jimin chose to wear his shorts today. When he was still a dude he could wear anything he desired however now he must be attentive, or whatever Namjoon has said. In any case, he didn't perceive how that was reasonable, he's still the same Jimin they grew up with, and he wanted to be comfortable in his own home. What could go wrong?

He visited his Hyung, Namjoon, in his room. He needed to discuss his interest in releasing another single. He knows his hyung would be more than happy to help him with anything music-related. 

"Namjoon-hyung!" Jimin peeked from the doorway, Namjoon smiled fondly at his cute dongsaeng, his dimples prominent. 

"Need something, Minnie?" 

Namjoon was currently sitting on his chair in front of his computer, looking for some inspiration on the internet.

When Jimin finally stepped into his room Namjoon found himself immediately glancing at the younger's exposed legs. He didn't like how much skin Jimin was showing at the moment. He frowned. 

"I told you to wear sweatpants at home, right?" Namjoon reminded him softly, 

Jimin whined, "ah, hyung~ it's too hot! let this one slide, please?"

 he pouted cutely and did some funny aegyo to his hyung.

Namjoon chuckled at his dongsaeng, maybe he'll let this one pass. As long as he keeps his eyes up- 

nope nope nope nope

Why is Jimin wearing such a tight shirt? Did he not have anything else to wear? 

Namjoon thought to himself as he kept his eyes on Jimin's face. 

"What brings you here then?" Namjoon asked as he turned away to look at his computer. Figuring things would ease up as long as he avoids looking at him. He senses Jimin moving around as he conversed with his hyung.

"I was wondering if I could produce a new single? For the ARMY!" 

Everything was going fine until he felt Jimin press up behind him just above his shoulder, he's crouching down to look at his computer screen. He knows the younger doesn't notice what he's doing right now but it didn't make him feel any better. He knows Jimin is still trying to get to know his new body, but he doesn't know how long he'll be able to keep his composure like this. 

"Hyung, what do you think?" Jimin snapped him out of his weird thoughts,

"Sure, can you get me that flash drive on my desk? I have some samples there you can pick from." 

Jimin complied happily. He took the flash drive and just before he could give it to Namjoon, it slipped past his fingers. Jimin let out an "aish" before bending down to look for it under Namjoon's table.

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